Tsukuba Uchu Forum

109th Uchu Forum

Molecular abundances in nearby galaxies (NGC 1068, NGC 253, and IC 342)


Shuro Takano

Nihon University

The results from Nobeyama 45 m radio telescope observations of nearby galaxies NGC 1068, NGC 253, and IC 342 on the composition of the molecular gas will presented. NGC 1068 contains an active galactic nucleus (AGN), and the 45 m observations provide good spatial resolution to investigate the composition of...

108th Uchu Forum

Growth by Super-Eddington Accretion of Seed Black Holes in Primordial Galaxies


Daisuke Toyouchi

University of Kyoto, Theoretical Astrophysics Group

Recent observations have revealed that giant black holes with masses of several hundred million times larger than the Sun already exist in the early universe at redshift z ~ 7. One of the leading theories for the formation of supermassive black holes in such an early universe is supercritical accretion...

107th Uchu Forum

The current status of galaxy formation at redshift 3


Hideki Umehata


In the standard paradigm of coslmological large scale structure formation in Λ cold dark matter universe, dark matter and baryons gravitationally collapse into a spider web-like network called the cosmic web. In the current theoretical picture, gas inflow and accretion and galaxy formation progresses at the nodes of the cosmic...

106th Uchu Forum

Formation of multiple Pop III stars under radiation feedback


Kazuyuki Sugimura

University of Maryland

Population III (Pop III) stars, forming as the first generation objects in the history of the Universe, bring an end to the dark age of the Universe and pollute the pristine intergalactic medium with heavy elements. Based on recent theoretical studies, there is general agreement that the typical mass scale...

105th Uchu Forum

A series of "most distant" results


Akio Inoue

Waseda University

Recently, using Subaru and ALMA, we were able to make a series of press releases entitled “most distant XYZ”. That is, the most distant oxygen (2016.6), the most distant bright emission line (2018.5), the most distant galaxy merger (2019.6), the most distant passive galaxy (2019.9), and the most distant primitive...

104th Uchu Forum

New insights into the formation of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters in the early universe


Tao Wang

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences

During the last decades, our understanding on both galaxy and structure formation in the nearby Universe has been great advanced, thanks to various large cosmological surveys. On the other hand, limited by the capabilities of current facilities, the early stages of both galaxy and structure formation are still not well...

103rd Uchu Forum

Gravitational instability and fragmentation of spiral arms


Shigeki Inoue

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences

Spiral arms in a disc are structures found in various astronomical objects. Sometimes spiral arms fragment into smaller structures. In this study, the condition for gravitational instability of spiral arms was analytically derived by a linear perturbation analysis. Comparison with simulations confirmed that the analytical solutions can accurately predict the...

102nd Uchu Forum

Massive star formation through molecular cloud collisions and triggered star-formation through feedback


Kazuhiro Shima

Kyoto University, Theoretical Astrophysics Group

In recent years, molecular cloud collisions have attracted attention as the formation process of massive stars and massive clusters. Takahira et al (2014) conducted three-dimensional fluid simulations in which two molecular clouds collide, and reported that a high density turbulent core exceeding 100 solar masses is formed. However, the models...

101st Uchu Forum

High-density gas formation and star formation in the Milky Way: The FUGIN project


Nario Kuno

University of Tsukuba, Observational Astrophysics Group

The FUGIN project is a 12CO(J=1-0), 13CO(J=1-0), C18O(J=1-0) galactic plane survey using the 45 m Nobeyama Space Radio Observatory radio telescope. The goal is to understand the evolution of interstellar gas, e.g., molecular cloud formation, high density gas formation, and star formation in the Galaxy. Observation have been completed and...

100th Uchu Forum

Simulations of first galaxies formation: Toward a unified understanding of first stars and low-metalicity star cluster formation.


Hidenobu Yajima

University of Tsukuba, CCS

With recent observational advances, many galaxies of redshift higher than 7 have been. The next generation observations, e.g. with the JWST Space Telescope and TMT, the detection of first galaxies exceeding a redshift of 10 is expected. The first galaxies are not only important in understanding the galaxy evolution, but...

109th Uchu Forum


Molecular abundances in nearby galaxies (NGC 1068, NGC 253, and IC 342)

Shuro Takano

Nihon University

The results from Nobeyama 45 m radio telescope observations of nearby galaxies NGC 1068, NGC 253, and IC 342 on the composition of the molecular gas will presented. NGC 1068 contains an active galactic nucleus (AGN), and the 45 m observations provide good spatial resolution to investigate the composition of...

February 2020   13 : 30     Nobeyama 45m radio telescope, ALMA, molecular gas, starbursts, and AGN
108th Uchu Forum


Growth by Super-Eddington Accretion of Seed Black Holes in Primordial Galaxies

Daisuke Toyouchi

University of Kyoto, Theoretical Astrophysics Group

Recent observations have revealed that giant black holes with masses of several hundred million times larger than the Sun already exist in the early universe at redshift z ~ 7. One of the leading theories for the formation of supermassive black holes in such an early universe is supercritical accretion...

January 2020   13 : 30     black holes, first galaxies, accretion, and radiation hydrodynamics
107th Uchu Forum


The current status of galaxy formation at redshift 3

Hideki Umehata


In the standard paradigm of coslmological large scale structure formation in Λ cold dark matter universe, dark matter and baryons gravitationally collapse into a spider web-like network called the cosmic web. In the current theoretical picture, gas inflow and accretion and galaxy formation progresses at the nodes of the cosmic...

December 2019   13 : 30     ALMA, galaxy formation, and high-z galaxies
106th Uchu Forum


Formation of multiple Pop III stars under radiation feedback

Kazuyuki Sugimura

University of Maryland

Population III (Pop III) stars, forming as the first generation objects in the history of the Universe, bring an end to the dark age of the Universe and pollute the pristine intergalactic medium with heavy elements. Based on recent theoretical studies, there is general agreement that the typical mass scale...

November 2019   13 : 30     first stars, PopIII stars, radiative feedback, radiation hydrodynamics, and cosmological simulations
105th Uchu Forum


A series of "most distant" results

Akio Inoue

Waseda University

Recently, using Subaru and ALMA, we were able to make a series of press releases entitled “most distant XYZ”. That is, the most distant oxygen (2016.6), the most distant bright emission line (2018.5), the most distant galaxy merger (2019.6), the most distant passive galaxy (2019.9), and the most distant primitive...

October 2019   13 : 30     galaxy formation and ALMA
104th Uchu Forum


New insights into the formation of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters in the early universe

Tao Wang

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences

During the last decades, our understanding on both galaxy and structure formation in the nearby Universe has been great advanced, thanks to various large cosmological surveys. On the other hand, limited by the capabilities of current facilities, the early stages of both galaxy and structure formation are still not well...

September 2019   13 : 30     galaxy formation, ALMA, and cosmological simulations
103rd Uchu Forum


Gravitational instability and fragmentation of spiral arms

Shigeki Inoue

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences

Spiral arms in a disc are structures found in various astronomical objects. Sometimes spiral arms fragment into smaller structures. In this study, the condition for gravitational instability of spiral arms was analytically derived by a linear perturbation analysis. Comparison with simulations confirmed that the analytical solutions can accurately predict the...

July 2019   13 : 30     galaxy formation, MHD, and galactic disk
102nd Uchu Forum


Massive star formation through molecular cloud collisions and triggered star-formation through feedback

Kazuhiro Shima

Kyoto University, Theoretical Astrophysics Group

In recent years, molecular cloud collisions have attracted attention as the formation process of massive stars and massive clusters. Takahira et al (2014) conducted three-dimensional fluid simulations in which two molecular clouds collide, and reported that a high density turbulent core exceeding 100 solar masses is formed. However, the models...

June 2019   13 : 30     star formation, radiative transfer, and molecular clouds
101st Uchu Forum


High-density gas formation and star formation in the Milky Way: The FUGIN project

Nario Kuno

University of Tsukuba, Observational Astrophysics Group

The FUGIN project is a 12CO(J=1-0), 13CO(J=1-0), C18O(J=1-0) galactic plane survey using the 45 m Nobeyama Space Radio Observatory radio telescope. The goal is to understand the evolution of interstellar gas, e.g., molecular cloud formation, high density gas formation, and star formation in the Galaxy. Observation have been completed and...

May 2019   13 : 30     star formation, observation, and molecular gas
100th Uchu Forum


Simulations of first galaxies formation: Toward a unified understanding of first stars and low-metalicity star cluster formation.

Hidenobu Yajima

University of Tsukuba, CCS

With recent observational advances, many galaxies of redshift higher than 7 have been. The next generation observations, e.g. with the JWST Space Telescope and TMT, the detection of first galaxies exceeding a redshift of 10 is expected. The first galaxies are not only important in understanding the galaxy evolution, but...

April 2019   15 : 00     PopIII stars, JWST, TMT, radiation hydrodynamics, and cosmological simulations

109th Uchu Forum Molecular abundances in nearby galaxies (NGC 1068, NGC 253, and IC 342)

Shuro Takano (Nihon University)
February 2020   13 : 30     Nobeyama 45m radio telescope, ALMA, molecular gas, starbursts, and AGN

108th Uchu Forum Growth by Super-Eddington Accretion of Seed Black Holes in Primordial Galaxies

Daisuke Toyouchi (University of Kyoto, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)
January 2020   13 : 30     black holes, first galaxies, accretion, and radiation hydrodynamics

107th Uchu Forum The current status of galaxy formation at redshift 3

Hideki Umehata (Riken)
December 2019   13 : 30     ALMA, galaxy formation, and high-z galaxies

106th Uchu Forum Formation of multiple Pop III stars under radiation feedback

Kazuyuki Sugimura (University of Maryland)
November 2019   13 : 30     first stars, PopIII stars, radiative feedback, radiation hydrodynamics, and cosmological simulations

105th Uchu Forum A series of "most distant" results

Akio Inoue (Waseda University)
October 2019   13 : 30     galaxy formation and ALMA

104th Uchu Forum New insights into the formation of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters in the early universe

Tao Wang (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences)
September 2019   13 : 30     galaxy formation, ALMA, and cosmological simulations

103rd Uchu Forum Gravitational instability and fragmentation of spiral arms

Shigeki Inoue (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences)
July 2019   13 : 30     galaxy formation, MHD, and galactic disk

102nd Uchu Forum Massive star formation through molecular cloud collisions and triggered star-formation through feedback

Kazuhiro Shima (Kyoto University, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)
June 2019   13 : 30     star formation, radiative transfer, and molecular clouds

101st Uchu Forum High-density gas formation and star formation in the Milky Way: The FUGIN project

Nario Kuno (University of Tsukuba, Observational Astrophysics Group)
May 2019   13 : 30     star formation, observation, and molecular gas

100th Uchu Forum Simulations of first galaxies formation: Toward a unified understanding of first stars and low-metalicity star cluster formation.

Hidenobu Yajima (University of Tsukuba, CCS)
April 2019   15 : 00     PopIII stars, JWST, TMT, radiation hydrodynamics, and cosmological simulations
  1. Molecular abundances in nearby galaxies (NGC 1068, NGC 253, and IC 342), Shuro Takano (Nihon University)   February 2020  
  2. Growth by Super-Eddington Accretion of Seed Black Holes in Primordial Galaxies, Daisuke Toyouchi (University of Kyoto, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)   January 2020  
  3. The current status of galaxy formation at redshift 3, Hideki Umehata (Riken)   December 2019  
  4. Formation of multiple Pop III stars under radiation feedback, Kazuyuki Sugimura (University of Maryland)   November 2019  
  5. A series of "most distant" results, Akio Inoue (Waseda University)   October 2019  
  6. New insights into the formation of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters in the early universe, Tao Wang (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences)   September 2019  
  7. Gravitational instability and fragmentation of spiral arms, Shigeki Inoue (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences)   July 2019  
  8. Massive star formation through molecular cloud collisions and triggered star-formation through feedback, Kazuhiro Shima (Kyoto University, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)   June 2019  
  9. High-density gas formation and star formation in the Milky Way: The FUGIN project, Nario Kuno (University of Tsukuba, Observational Astrophysics Group)   May 2019  
  10. Simulations of first galaxies formation: Toward a unified understanding of first stars and low-metalicity star cluster formation., Hidenobu Yajima (University of Tsukuba, CCS)   April 2019