Our group strives to uncover the basic physics of star formation, planetary systems, active galactic nuclei, the birth of stars and galaxies of the early universe, the characteristics of the light they emit, formation and evolution of galaxies and black holes. We tackle many of the problems of modern astrophysics by solving equations of relativistic radiation hydrodynamics, radiation transport, and gravitational dynamics, which faithfully capture the interaction of light with matter and the complex gravitational interactions, so crucial in the study of the formation and evolution of stars, galaxies, and black holes. To find solutions to the complicated system of equations that describe multi-component celestial bodies and turbulent flow, we conduct large-scale numerical simulations, using, amongst others, tailor-made supercomputers at the Center for Computational Sciences.
Abstract We present the findings of a comprehensive and detailed analysis of merger tree data from ultra-high-resolution cosmological $N$-body simulations. The analysis, conducted with a particle mass resolution of $5 \times 10^3 h^{-1} M_{\odot}$ and a halo mass resolution of $10^7 h^{-1} M_{\odot}$, provides sufficient accuracy to suppress numerical artefacts....
Professor Ken Ohsuga, head of our group, has won the University of Tsukuba 2024 Best Faculty Member award! The award ceremony was held on February 2nd at the University of Tsukuba campus.
This year, we had several students win awards: 校友会江崎賞:尾形絵梨花さん 数理物質科学研究群長賞:尾形絵梨花さん 物理学学位プログラムリーダー賞:湯浅拓宏さん 学生表彰(学長表彰):篠崎倫さん 卒研ベストプレゼンテーション賞:篠崎倫さん Congratulations to the above...
Associate Professor Hidenobu Yajima has won the University of Tsukuba 2022 Best Faculty Member award! The award...
In this research, we solved the Vlasov-Poisson equations directly by running our new high-precision numerical scheme for...
Relativistic jets are widely observed in astronomical objects including active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts. However, the...
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Low and Mid, the world's largest radio telescopes, are currently under construction...
Recent JWST observations have revealed a wealth of detail about high-redshift galaxies, including strong [OIII] emission and...
This talk is about modelling the X-ray emission from black hole accretion discs. We discuss the standard...
The ΛCDM paradigm has been remarkably successful in explaining the large-scale structure of the universe, from galaxy...
Over the past two decades, Herschel, ALMA, and JWST have conducted detailed spectroscopic observations of molecular and...
Isotopic ratios provide a powerful tool for understanding the origins of materials. Thanks to recent ALMA observations...
Supermassive black holes in galaxy cores trigger dynamical outbursts called nuclear transients. The number of such transients...
This workshop aims to provide an opportunity to exchange views and share information about the current status...
Almost 100 years after the prediction of general relativity, the existence of black holes has finally been...
This workshop aims to provide an opportunity to exchange views and share information about the current status...
Despite the fact that the existence of black holes is now firmly established, the structure and physical...
Tracking Star-forming Cores as Mass Reservoirs in Clustered and Isolated Regions Using Numerical Passive Tracer Particles
Cold gas bubble inflated by a low-luminosity radio jet
Detection of the [O I] 63 μm emission line from the z = 6.04 quasar J2054-0005
The structure of the stellar halo of the Andromeda galaxy explored with the NB515 for Subaru/HSC - I. New insights on the stellar halo up to 120 kpc
Survey of non-thermal electrons around supermassive black holes through polarization flips
Impact of the Lyα radiation force on super-Eddington accretion on to a massive black hole