Activities of the Group


The following are some of the activities in our group throughout the year.

Name Participants Date and time About
Group lunch meeting Everyone Wednesdays 12:00 ~ 13:30 Various announcements and discussions regarding our group and group activities
Joint lunch meeting Theoretical Astrophysics Group + Observational Astrophysics Group Every third Tuesday of the month 11:30 ~ 13:30 Various announcements and discussions, including reports of conferences and workshops
Colloquium Postgrads, postdocs, and external guest speakers Wednesdays 13:30 ~ 15:30 Presentation on research
Uchu Forum Theoretical Astrophysics Group staff and external guest speakers Every third Tuesday of the month 13:30 ~ 15:30 Presentation on research
Journal Club (detailed report) Presented by M1 and above Wednesdays 12:30 ~ 13:00 A detailed presentation of a journal paper in English.
Journal Club (flash report) Presented by M1 and above + volunteers Wednesdays 13:00 ~ 13:30 A quick overview of a recent journal paper, e.g. from arXiv, in English
Journal Club (Benty Fields) Theoretical Astrophysics Group and possibly some external participants Every Friday 12:00 ~ 13:00 Informal discussion on recent papers. See our Benty Fields group.
Workshop: Formation of Astrophysical Objects (hybrid) Theoretical Astrophysics Group + Observational Astrophysics Group, external participants and invited speakers Around October A workshop organized by M1 students in our group. Talks on a variety of subjects by internal and external undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and invited staff.
Farewell talks (Online) Everyone Around March M2, D3, and anyone leaving our group give talks on anything they like, incuding hobbies.
Crossover seminar (on hiatus) Lectures by staff and post docs Every second Thursday of the month 13:30 ~ 17:00 A review lecture on the history, status, progress, and open problems of major topics in astrophysics
Coffee English (on hiatus) Undergraduate and graduate students + A. Wagner Weekly Informal conversations over coffee or tea on research, papers, etc. Recommended for rehearsing Journal club presentations.
Welcome barbeque (on hiatus) Everyone Around May An opportunity to get to know each other over a barbeque
Social gatherings (on hiatus, online) Everyone Dinner and drinks after workshops, farewell talks, invited talks, etc.


Name Advisor(s) Date and time Textbook, notes

Other meetings

The following are seminars / meetings regularly held in our group that do not yield credits for undergraduate research or graduate courses, but in which students are invited to participate if the topic is related to their research.

Name Advisor(s) Date and time Textbook, notes
1 Computational Astrobiology seminar Umemura, Ohsuga, Yajima, Fukushima, CCS Life sciences group, etc Weekly Research progress report, journal club
2 Light-Bioimaging seminar Umemura, Yajima, Abe, Takamizu Weekly Research progress report, journal club