Tsukuba Uchu Forum

142nd Uchu Forum

ALMA and JWST exploration of high-redshift galaxies (and stars)


Yoshinobu Fudamoto

Chiba University

Extragalactic astronomy is currently in an exciting period. Observing high-redshift galaxies allows us to directly see galaxies in the distant past, dating back to when the Universe was only nearly a few hundred million years old. This remarkable feature has led astronomers to dedicate significant efforts toward finding and studying...

141st Uchu Forum

Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies with ALMA


Toshiki Saito

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

(Ultra)luminous infrared galaxies (= (U)LIRGs) at z=0 form stars 10-100 times more efficiently than z=0 main sequence (MS) galaxies, which is explained by nearby (U)LIRGs being gas-rich merging galaxies. Numerical simulations and sub-kpc observations clearly show that tidal interaction between gas-rich progenitors is condensing gas and triggering subsequent starburst activity...

140th Uchu Forum



Atsushi Tanimoto

Kagoshima University

 Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) is a phenomenon in which the accretion of mass onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH) converts its gravitational energy into radiant energy, causing the center of the galaxy to glow with a solar intensity of about $10^{9}$. AGNs emit gamma rays from radio waves, which have...

139th Uchu Forum



Kohei Hayashi

NIT, Sendai College

Most of the matter in the universe is dominated by dark matter. However, its nature remains a mystery and is one of the biggest problems in modern physics. Various approaches have been taken in a wide range of fields from particle physics to astronomy to elucidate the nature of this...

138th Uchu Forum



Ken Mawatari

University of Tsukuba

In discussing the formation and evolution of galaxies, it is essential to know how the material circulation (inflow and outflow of gas) to and from intergalactic space occurs. Observing absorption lines in the spectra of distant sources as background sources is a classical method to study the intergalactic material (IGM),...

137th Uchu Forum



Shingo Hirano

The University of Tokyo

First stars or Population III stars are the first generation of stars born in primordial gas clouds in the early universe, and are considered to have formed and evolved differently from later generations of stars (Population II/I stars) whose gas clouds contain heavy elements. Recently, with the advent of the...

136th Uchu Forum

X-ray polarisation observations: A new means of exploring the high-energy universe


Toru Tamagawa


X-rays are emitted from many astrophysical objects, including black holes, neutron stars, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. The Imaging X-ray Polarimeter Explorer (IXPE) satellite was launched by NASA in December 2021 to observe polarization with high sensitivity, which is the only field of X-ray astrophysics that has not yet been tackled....

135th Uchu Forum

New insights into active galactic nuclei using high-resolution submillimetre-wave observations


Takuma Izumi


Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) shine brightly due to the gravitational energy released by mass accretion onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH). AGN are smoking guns of black hole growth. Recently, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the world's most powerful submillimeter interferometer, has made it possible to study various properties...

134th Uchu Forum

Supernova explosions and the isotope $^{56}$N


Ryo Sawada

University of Tokyo

A gravitational collapse supernova is an explosion of a massive star at the end of its evolution. The explosion mechanism of supernovae is an unsolved problem in astrophysics. Large-scale numerical simulation studies of supernovae overcame the "failure to reproduce the explosion" problem in the 2000s and the "failure to reproduce...

133rd Uchu Forum

Accretion disk jet structure in the environs of a supermassive black hole explored by polarized light imaging


Yuh Tsunetoe

University of Tsukuba

The realization of direct imaging of supermassive black holes has opened a new horizon for understanding the mysterious driving mechanism of active galactic nuclear jets. We have taken this opportunity to investigate the structure of accretion disks and jets in the vicinity of black holes through the prediction of polarization...

142nd Uchu Forum


ALMA and JWST exploration of high-redshift galaxies (and stars)

Yoshinobu Fudamoto

Chiba University

Extragalactic astronomy is currently in an exciting period. Observing high-redshift galaxies allows us to directly see galaxies in the distant past, dating back to when the Universe was only nearly a few hundred million years old. This remarkable feature has led astronomers to dedicate significant efforts toward finding and studying...

March 2024   15 : 30     ALMA, JWST, and high-z galaxies
141st Uchu Forum


Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies with ALMA

Toshiki Saito

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

(Ultra)luminous infrared galaxies (= (U)LIRGs) at z=0 form stars 10-100 times more efficiently than z=0 main sequence (MS) galaxies, which is explained by nearby (U)LIRGs being gas-rich merging galaxies. Numerical simulations and sub-kpc observations clearly show that tidal interaction between gas-rich progenitors is condensing gas and triggering subsequent starburst activity...

January 2024   14 : 30     galaxy evolution, molecular clouds, and AGN feedback
140th Uchu Forum



Atsushi Tanimoto

Kagoshima University

 Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) is a phenomenon in which the accretion of mass onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH) converts its gravitational energy into radiant energy, causing the center of the galaxy to glow with a solar intensity of about $10^{9}$. AGNs emit gamma rays from radio waves, which have...

December 2023   16 : 30     AGN, seyfert galaxies, and X-rays
139th Uchu Forum



Kohei Hayashi

NIT, Sendai College

Most of the matter in the universe is dominated by dark matter. However, its nature remains a mystery and is one of the biggest problems in modern physics. Various approaches have been taken in a wide range of fields from particle physics to astronomy to elucidate the nature of this...

November 2023   15 : 30     dark matter, dwarf galaxies, and Subaru
138th Uchu Forum



Ken Mawatari

University of Tsukuba

In discussing the formation and evolution of galaxies, it is essential to know how the material circulation (inflow and outflow of gas) to and from intergalactic space occurs. Observing absorption lines in the spectra of distant sources as background sources is a classical method to study the intergalactic material (IGM),...

October 2023   15 : 30     IGM, protocluster, and absorption system
137th Uchu Forum



Shingo Hirano

The University of Tokyo

First stars or Population III stars are the first generation of stars born in primordial gas clouds in the early universe, and are considered to have formed and evolved differently from later generations of stars (Population II/I stars) whose gas clouds contain heavy elements. Recently, with the advent of the...

September 2023   15 : 30     first stars, early universe, and star formation
136th Uchu Forum


X-ray polarisation observations: A new means of exploring the high-energy universe

Toru Tamagawa


X-rays are emitted from many astrophysical objects, including black holes, neutron stars, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. The Imaging X-ray Polarimeter Explorer (IXPE) satellite was launched by NASA in December 2021 to observe polarization with high sensitivity, which is the only field of X-ray astrophysics that has not yet been tackled....

July 2023   15 : 30     AGN, ALMA, and SMBH
135th Uchu Forum


New insights into active galactic nuclei using high-resolution submillimetre-wave observations

Takuma Izumi


Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) shine brightly due to the gravitational energy released by mass accretion onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH). AGN are smoking guns of black hole growth. Recently, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the world's most powerful submillimeter interferometer, has made it possible to study various properties...

June 2023   15 : 30     AGN, ALMA, and SMBH
134th Uchu Forum


Supernova explosions and the isotope $^{56}$N

Ryo Sawada

University of Tokyo

A gravitational collapse supernova is an explosion of a massive star at the end of its evolution. The explosion mechanism of supernovae is an unsolved problem in astrophysics. Large-scale numerical simulation studies of supernovae overcame the "failure to reproduce the explosion" problem in the 2000s and the "failure to reproduce...

May 2023   15 : 30     supernovae
133rd Uchu Forum


Accretion disk jet structure in the environs of a supermassive black hole explored by polarized light imaging

Yuh Tsunetoe

University of Tsukuba

The realization of direct imaging of supermassive black holes has opened a new horizon for understanding the mysterious driving mechanism of active galactic nuclear jets. We have taken this opportunity to investigate the structure of accretion disks and jets in the vicinity of black holes through the prediction of polarization...

April 2023   15 : 30     AGN jets, polarization, and radiative transfer

142nd Uchu Forum ALMA and JWST exploration of high-redshift galaxies (and stars)

Yoshinobu Fudamoto (Chiba University)
March 2024   15 : 30     ALMA, JWST, and high-z galaxies

141st Uchu Forum Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies with ALMA

Toshiki Saito (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
January 2024   14 : 30     galaxy evolution, molecular clouds, and AGN feedback

140th Uchu Forum X線偏光観測による活動銀河核の構造

Atsushi Tanimoto (Kagoshima University)
December 2023   16 : 30     AGN, seyfert galaxies, and X-rays

139th Uchu Forum ダークマターは何者か?:暗黒物質の解明に向けた近傍宇宙論研究の現状と将来展望

Kohei Hayashi (NIT, Sendai College)
November 2023   15 : 30     dark matter, dwarf galaxies, and Subaru

138th Uchu Forum スペクトル吸収線から探る原始銀河団ガス

Ken Mawatari (University of Tsukuba)
October 2023   15 : 30     IGM, protocluster, and absorption system

137th Uchu Forum シミュレーション・サーベイで探る,初代星形成の統一シナリオ

Shingo Hirano (The University of Tokyo)
September 2023   15 : 30     first stars, early universe, and star formation

136th Uchu Forum X-ray polarisation observations: A new means of exploring the high-energy universe

Toru Tamagawa (RIKEN)
July 2023   15 : 30     AGN, ALMA, and SMBH

135th Uchu Forum New insights into active galactic nuclei using high-resolution submillimetre-wave observations

Takuma Izumi (NAOJ)
June 2023   15 : 30     AGN, ALMA, and SMBH

134th Uchu Forum Supernova explosions and the isotope $^{56}$N

Ryo Sawada (University of Tokyo)
May 2023   15 : 30     supernovae

133rd Uchu Forum Accretion disk jet structure in the environs of a supermassive black hole explored by polarized light imaging

Yuh Tsunetoe (University of Tsukuba)
April 2023   15 : 30     AGN jets, polarization, and radiative transfer
  1. ALMA and JWST exploration of high-redshift galaxies (and stars), Yoshinobu Fudamoto (Chiba University)   March 2024  
  2. Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies with ALMA, Toshiki Saito (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)   January 2024  
  3. X線偏光観測による活動銀河核の構造, Atsushi Tanimoto (Kagoshima University)   December 2023  
  4. ダークマターは何者か?:暗黒物質の解明に向けた近傍宇宙論研究の現状と将来展望, Kohei Hayashi (NIT, Sendai College)   November 2023  
  5. スペクトル吸収線から探る原始銀河団ガス, Ken Mawatari (University of Tsukuba)   October 2023  
  6. シミュレーション・サーベイで探る,初代星形成の統一シナリオ, Shingo Hirano (The University of Tokyo)   September 2023  
  7. X-ray polarisation observations: A new means of exploring the high-energy universe , Toru Tamagawa (RIKEN)   July 2023  
  8. New insights into active galactic nuclei using high-resolution submillimetre-wave observations, Takuma Izumi (NAOJ)   June 2023  
  9. Supernova explosions and the isotope $^{56}$N, Ryo Sawada (University of Tokyo)   May 2023  
  10. Accretion disk jet structure in the environs of a supermassive black hole explored by polarized light imaging, Yuh Tsunetoe (University of Tsukuba)   April 2023