Tsukuba Uchu Forum

146th Uchu Forum

Formation of intermediate-mass black hole in forming star clusters


Michiko Fujii

The University of Tokyo

The existence of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) in globular clusters has been debated. One possible way to form IMBHs in globular clusters is by repeating the merger of BHs in star clusters. However, gravitational-wave recoils kick the IMBHs out from the host globular clusters before they reach 500 Msun. Another...

145th Uchu Forum

Volume density structure of the NGC 253 CMZ through ALCHEMI excitation analysis: what is the critical difference between NGC253 and Milky Way?


Kunihiko Tanaka

Keio University

NGC 253 is an archetypal starburst galaxy in the nearby universe, whose relative proximity (D ~ 3.5 Mpc) makes it an ideal target for studying the physical and chemical environments conducive to highly active star formation (SF). In particular, its similarity to the Milky Way (MW), traditionally understood as a quiescent...

144th Uchu Forum



Masafusa Onoue

Kavli IPMU

We present the latest observations of the early growth of active supermassive black holes (=quasars) in the early Universe, less than a billion years after the Big Bang, mainly using the Subaru Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The search for distant quasars has been active since the...

143rd Uchu Forum



Hidetaka Kuniyoshi

University of Tokyo

The outermost atmosphere of the Sun (the corona) reaches temperatures hundreds of times hotter than its surface (the photosphere), exceeding 1 million degrees. This issue of solar corona heating has been an unresolved problem since the 1930s and is a main target of the SOLAR-C mission. Furthermore, the solar corona...

146th Uchu Forum


Formation of intermediate-mass black hole in forming star clusters

Michiko Fujii

The University of Tokyo

The existence of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) in globular clusters has been debated. One possible way to form IMBHs in globular clusters is by repeating the merger of BHs in star clusters. However, gravitational-wave recoils kick the IMBHs out from the host globular clusters before they reach 500 Msun. Another...

July 2024   15 : 30     black holes, massive stars, and star formation
145th Uchu Forum


Volume density structure of the NGC 253 CMZ through ALCHEMI excitation analysis: what is the critical difference between NGC253 and Milky Way?

Kunihiko Tanaka

Keio University

NGC 253 is an archetypal starburst galaxy in the nearby universe, whose relative proximity (D ~ 3.5 Mpc) makes it an ideal target for studying the physical and chemical environments conducive to highly active star formation (SF). In particular, its similarity to the Milky Way (MW), traditionally understood as a quiescent...

June 2024   15 : 30     ALMA, starbursts, and Galactic center
144th Uchu Forum



Masafusa Onoue

Kavli IPMU

We present the latest observations of the early growth of active supermassive black holes (=quasars) in the early Universe, less than a billion years after the Big Bang, mainly using the Subaru Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The search for distant quasars has been active since the...

May 2024   15 : 30     SMBH, James Webb telescope, and early universe
143rd Uchu Forum



Hidetaka Kuniyoshi

University of Tokyo

The outermost atmosphere of the Sun (the corona) reaches temperatures hundreds of times hotter than its surface (the photosphere), exceeding 1 million degrees. This issue of solar corona heating has been an unresolved problem since the 1930s and is a main target of the SOLAR-C mission. Furthermore, the solar corona...

April 2024   15 : 30     Solar Corona, MHD, and SOLAR-C