Tsukuba Uchu Forum

132nd Uchu Forum

Star Formation Activity in Barred Spiral Galaxies Probed by Molecular Gas Observations


Fumiya Maeda

Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo

Star formation activity in disk galaxies is known to depend on the structure of the galaxy (e.g., center, arms, bars, etc.). The dependence is particularly pronounced in barred spiral galaxies, where active star formation is observed in the arms, while star formation is weak (low star formation rate) in the...

131st Uchu Forum

Formation and evolution of star-forming filaments in molecular clouds


Daisei Abe

Nagoya University

Stars form in high-density regions in molecular clouds, which are known to be filamentary. The formation and evolution of filaments are important because they determine the initial conditions for star formation. In this presentation, I will report our results on simulations of filament formation and evolution. It is known that...

130th Uchu Forum

The CMB Polarization Observation Experiment GroundBIRD


Shunsuke Honda

University of Tsukuba

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB), the afterglow of the Big Bang that has expanded with the evolution of the universe, contains 13.8 billion years of history. Currently, studies on the detailed observation of the CMB polarization fluctuation patterns are attracting a great deal of attention. Many research groups are...

129th Uchu Forum

Cosmic Ray Particle Acceleration by the Jet of Microquasar SS433 Probed through Radio Observations


Haruka Sakemi

Kagoshima University

Since its discovery in the 1970s, the microquasar SS433 has attracted much attention as one of the most active jet objects in our Galaxy and has been the subject of numerous studies. However, there are still many unresolved questions, such as the identity of the main star and companion star...

128th Uchu Forum

The Age of Discovery with JWST: Excavating the First Massive Black Holes and First Galaxies


Kohei Inayoshi

Peking University

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is opening a new window of the most distant universe and will unveil the early growth of supermassive black holes (BHs) in the first galaxies. The existence of supermassive massive BHs observed when the universe was younger than one billion years strongly constrains their...

127th Uchu Forum

Probing the impact of feedback by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations


Kentaro Nagamine

Osaka University

Observations of the cosmic background radiation have established the $\Lambda$ cold dark matter (CDM) model as the standard cosmological model, and on large scales the $\Lambda$CDM model has been very successful, providing the backbone of the cosmic large-scale structure. However, on small scales below 1 Mpc, there are still many...

126th Uchu Forum

The Milky Way's central supermassive black hole observed by the Event Horizon Telescope: results and future prospects


Kotaro Moriyama

Goethe University Frankfurt

On May 12, 2022, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration released the world's first images of the close vicinity (several gravitational radii scale) of Sgr A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The EHT is an international collaborative research project that links telescopes from...

125th Uchu Forum

ALMA/NOEMA view of galaxy-scale molecular outflows


Dragan Salak

Hokkaido University

Kiloparsec-scale outflows of gas and dust are thought to be an important mechanism in regulating star formation in galaxies and increasing the metallicity of circumgalactic and intergalactic media. In the past two decades, outflows have been discovered in numerous galaxies with vigorous star formation (starburst) and active galactic nuclei (AGN)...

124th Uchu Forum

UV & Ly-alpha halos of LAEs across environments at z=2.84


Satoshi Kikuta

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences

Diffuse Lyα emission around galaxies, or Lyα halo (LAH), is a valuable probe of their circumgalactic medium which regulate galaxy evolution. We present UV & Lyα radial surface brightness (SB) profiles of Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z = 2.84 detected with the HSC on the Subaru Telescope. UV and Lyα...

123rd Uchu Forum

A multifaceted study of the remnants of first stars


Takanobu Kirihara

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences

The first stars play a particularly important role in the history of the universe because they are the first luminous objects in our universe and the first to produce heavy elements. However, no direct observational traces of them have yet been obtained. Now, the operation of a new generation of...

132nd Uchu Forum


Star Formation Activity in Barred Spiral Galaxies Probed by Molecular Gas Observations

Fumiya Maeda

Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo

Star formation activity in disk galaxies is known to depend on the structure of the galaxy (e.g., center, arms, bars, etc.). The dependence is particularly pronounced in barred spiral galaxies, where active star formation is observed in the arms, while star formation is weak (low star formation rate) in the...

February 2023   15 : 30     molecular clouds, star formation, and galaxy evolution
131st Uchu Forum


Formation and evolution of star-forming filaments in molecular clouds

Daisei Abe

Nagoya University

Stars form in high-density regions in molecular clouds, which are known to be filamentary. The formation and evolution of filaments are important because they determine the initial conditions for star formation. In this presentation, I will report our results on simulations of filament formation and evolution. It is known that...

January 2023   15 : 30     star formation, molecular clouds, and MHD
130th Uchu Forum


The CMB Polarization Observation Experiment GroundBIRD

Shunsuke Honda

University of Tsukuba

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB), the afterglow of the Big Bang that has expanded with the evolution of the universe, contains 13.8 billion years of history. Currently, studies on the detailed observation of the CMB polarization fluctuation patterns are attracting a great deal of attention. Many research groups are...

December 2022   15 : 00     CMB, cosmology, and B-mode polarization
129th Uchu Forum


Cosmic Ray Particle Acceleration by the Jet of Microquasar SS433 Probed through Radio Observations

Haruka Sakemi

Kagoshima University

Since its discovery in the 1970s, the microquasar SS433 has attracted much attention as one of the most active jet objects in our Galaxy and has been the subject of numerous studies. However, there are still many unresolved questions, such as the identity of the main star and companion star...

November 2022   15 : 30     cosmic rays and observations
128th Uchu Forum


The Age of Discovery with JWST: Excavating the First Massive Black Holes and First Galaxies

Kohei Inayoshi

Peking University

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is opening a new window of the most distant universe and will unveil the early growth of supermassive black holes (BHs) in the first galaxies. The existence of supermassive massive BHs observed when the universe was younger than one billion years strongly constrains their...

October 2022   15 : 30     early universe, SMBH, and radiation hydrodynamics
127th Uchu Forum


Probing the impact of feedback by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations

Kentaro Nagamine

Osaka University

Observations of the cosmic background radiation have established the $\Lambda$ cold dark matter (CDM) model as the standard cosmological model, and on large scales the $\Lambda$CDM model has been very successful, providing the backbone of the cosmic large-scale structure. However, on small scales below 1 Mpc, there are still many...

September 2022   15 : 00     cosmological simulations, CGM, and IGM
126th Uchu Forum


The Milky Way's central supermassive black hole observed by the Event Horizon Telescope: results and future prospects

Kotaro Moriyama

Goethe University Frankfurt

On May 12, 2022, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration released the world's first images of the close vicinity (several gravitational radii scale) of Sgr A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The EHT is an international collaborative research project that links telescopes from...

July 2022   15 : 30     SgrA*, black holes, and general relativity
125th Uchu Forum


ALMA/NOEMA view of galaxy-scale molecular outflows

Dragan Salak

Hokkaido University

Kiloparsec-scale outflows of gas and dust are thought to be an important mechanism in regulating star formation in galaxies and increasing the metallicity of circumgalactic and intergalactic media. In the past two decades, outflows have been discovered in numerous galaxies with vigorous star formation (starburst) and active galactic nuclei (AGN)...

June 2022   15 : 30     ALMA, starbursts, and AGN feedback
124th Uchu Forum


UV & Ly-alpha halos of LAEs across environments at z=2.84

Satoshi Kikuta

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences

Diffuse Lyα emission around galaxies, or Lyα halo (LAH), is a valuable probe of their circumgalactic medium which regulate galaxy evolution. We present UV & Lyα radial surface brightness (SB) profiles of Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z = 2.84 detected with the HSC on the Subaru Telescope. UV and Lyα...

May 2022   15 : 30     early universe and high-z galaxies
123rd Uchu Forum


A multifaceted study of the remnants of first stars

Takanobu Kirihara

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences

The first stars play a particularly important role in the history of the universe because they are the first luminous objects in our universe and the first to produce heavy elements. However, no direct observational traces of them have yet been obtained. Now, the operation of a new generation of...

April 2022   15 : 30     first stars, gravitational waves, and first galaxies

132nd Uchu Forum Star Formation Activity in Barred Spiral Galaxies Probed by Molecular Gas Observations

Fumiya Maeda (Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo)
February 2023   15 : 30     molecular clouds, star formation, and galaxy evolution

131st Uchu Forum Formation and evolution of star-forming filaments in molecular clouds

Daisei Abe (Nagoya University)
January 2023   15 : 30     star formation, molecular clouds, and MHD

130th Uchu Forum The CMB Polarization Observation Experiment GroundBIRD

Shunsuke Honda (University of Tsukuba)
December 2022   15 : 00     CMB, cosmology, and B-mode polarization

129th Uchu Forum Cosmic Ray Particle Acceleration by the Jet of Microquasar SS433 Probed through Radio Observations

Haruka Sakemi (Kagoshima University)
November 2022   15 : 30     cosmic rays and observations

128th Uchu Forum The Age of Discovery with JWST: Excavating the First Massive Black Holes and First Galaxies

Kohei Inayoshi (Peking University)
October 2022   15 : 30     early universe, SMBH, and radiation hydrodynamics

127th Uchu Forum Probing the impact of feedback by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations

Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka University)
September 2022   15 : 00     cosmological simulations, CGM, and IGM

126th Uchu Forum The Milky Way's central supermassive black hole observed by the Event Horizon Telescope: results and future prospects

Kotaro Moriyama (Goethe University Frankfurt)
July 2022   15 : 30     SgrA*, black holes, and general relativity

125th Uchu Forum ALMA/NOEMA view of galaxy-scale molecular outflows

Dragan Salak (Hokkaido University)
June 2022   15 : 30     ALMA, starbursts, and AGN feedback

124th Uchu Forum UV & Ly-alpha halos of LAEs across environments at z=2.84

Satoshi Kikuta (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
May 2022   15 : 30     early universe and high-z galaxies

123rd Uchu Forum A multifaceted study of the remnants of first stars

Takanobu Kirihara (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
April 2022   15 : 30     first stars, gravitational waves, and first galaxies
  1. Star Formation Activity in Barred Spiral Galaxies Probed by Molecular Gas Observations, Fumiya Maeda (Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo)   February 2023  
  2. Formation and evolution of star-forming filaments in molecular clouds, Daisei Abe (Nagoya University)   January 2023  
  3. The CMB Polarization Observation Experiment GroundBIRD, Shunsuke Honda (University of Tsukuba)   December 2022  
  4. Cosmic Ray Particle Acceleration by the Jet of Microquasar SS433 Probed through Radio Observations, Haruka Sakemi (Kagoshima University)   November 2022  
  5. The Age of Discovery with JWST: Excavating the First Massive Black Holes and First Galaxies, Kohei Inayoshi (Peking University)   October 2022  
  6. Probing the impact of feedback by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka University)   September 2022  
  7. The Milky Way's central supermassive black hole observed by the Event Horizon Telescope: results and future prospects, Kotaro Moriyama (Goethe University Frankfurt)   July 2022  
  8. ALMA/NOEMA view of galaxy-scale molecular outflows, Dragan Salak (Hokkaido University)   June 2022  
  9. UV & Ly-alpha halos of LAEs across environments at z=2.84, Satoshi Kikuta (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   May 2022  
  10. A multifaceted study of the remnants of first stars, Takanobu Kirihara (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   April 2022