

Watching a Little Gas Cloud on its Way into the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole




The Galactic center is one of the most fascinating and extreme places in the Galaxy. Harboring a supermassive black hole with a mass of order 4 million solar masses it experiences cycles of activity and star formation, separated by periods of quiesce...

第27回(講演 1)

Puzzling Features of Quasar Accretion



Kavli IPMU

The development of virial mass estimates for the central black hole using one quasar spectrum has allowed a dramatic improvement in our understanding of supermassive black hole evolution. I will describe several new puzzles arising from the combinati...

第27回(講演 3)

The Evolution of Star-Forming Galaxies Over Cosmic Time



ハーバード大学, Kavli IPMU

The assembly and evolution of galaxies over cosmic time is a complex process. Historically, galaxy evolution was thought to be governed by mainlystochastic, potentially divergent processes such as major mergers, whichwere linked to active galactic nu...

第27回(講演 2)

How Does Galaxy Environment Influence AGN Activity?



カルテック, Kavli IPMU

The development of virial mass estimates for the central black hole using one quasar spectrum has allowed a dramatic improvement in our understanding of supermassive black hole evolution. I will describe several new puzzles arising from the combinati...


Relativistic Jets and Black Hole Accretion Disks




Since about 2005 our group at the ANU, in collaboration with Alex Wagner, has been conducting fundamental research on the interaction of jets with the interstellar medium of evolving galaxies. One area of research involves the interaction of relativ...



Watching a Little Gas Cloud on its Way into the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole



The Galactic center is one of the most fascinating and extreme places in the Galaxy. Harboring a supermassive black hole with a mass of order 4 million solar masses it experiences cycles of activity and star formation, separated by periods of quiesce...

平成26年 2月   17 : 00     流体力学 , G2 , クラウド , 天の川銀河中心域 , 巨大ブラックホール , 活動銀河核 , 降着円盤
第27回(講演 1)


Puzzling Features of Quasar Accretion


Kavli IPMU

The development of virial mass estimates for the central black hole using one quasar spectrum has allowed a dramatic improvement in our understanding of supermassive black hole evolution. I will describe several new puzzles arising from the combinati...

平成25年 8月   15 : 00     クエーサー , 巨大ブラックホール , 活動銀河核
第27回(講演 3)


The Evolution of Star-Forming Galaxies Over Cosmic Time


ハーバード大学, Kavli IPMU

The assembly and evolution of galaxies over cosmic time is a complex process. Historically, galaxy evolution was thought to be governed by mainlystochastic, potentially divergent processes such as major mergers, whichwere linked to active galactic nu...

平成25年 8月   16 : 20     クエーサー , 巨大ブラックホール , 活動銀河核
第27回(講演 2)


How Does Galaxy Environment Influence AGN Activity?


カルテック, Kavli IPMU

The development of virial mass estimates for the central black hole using one quasar spectrum has allowed a dramatic improvement in our understanding of supermassive black hole evolution. I will describe several new puzzles arising from the combinati...

平成25年 8月   15 : 40     クエーサー , 巨大ブラックホール , 活動銀河核


Relativistic Jets and Black Hole Accretion Disks



Since about 2005 our group at the ANU, in collaboration with Alex Wagner, has been conducting fundamental research on the interaction of jets with the interstellar medium of evolving galaxies. One area of research involves the interaction of relativ...

平成25年 7月   14 : 00     活動銀河核 , AGNフィードバック , AGNジェット , 巨大ブラックホール , M-σ関係 , 磁気流体力学 , 降着円盤 , 電波銀河 , Hydra A
  1. Watching a Little Gas Cloud on its Way into the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole, アンドレアス・バーカート氏(ルートヴィヒ・マクシミリアン大学ミュンヘン)   平成26年 2月  
  2. How Does Galaxy Environment Influence AGN Activity?, エミル・カビブイーン氏(カルテック, Kavli IPMU)   平成25年 8月  
  3. Relativistic Jets and Black Hole Accretion Disks, ジェフリー・ビクネル氏(オーストラリア国立大学)   平成25年 7月