Tsukuba Uchu Forum

151st Uchu Forum

The Development of Self-Consistent Dust and Non-LTE Line Radiative Transfer with SKIRT and Its Application to Hydrodynamic Simulations

Kosei Matsumoto

Ghent University

Over the past two decades, Herschel, ALMA, and JWST have conducted detailed spectroscopic observations of molecular and atomic lines against the dust continuum, offering insights into the interstellar medium of galaxies. To interpret these observations, it is essential to self-consistently model the radiation field, the level populations of atoms and molecules, and the resulting line spectra. This approach is called non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) line radiative transfer. However, previous radiative transfer codes did not account for the dust continuum in the radiation field, making it difficult to model molecular and atomic line spectra, particularly at infrared wavelengths ($\lambda < 500 \ \mu m$). To address this limitation, we have developed a Monte Carlo-based non-LTE line radiative transfer algorithm and implemented it into the 3D radiative transfer code SKIRT (originally designed for dust radiative transfer). This extension enables SKIRT to generate self-consistent spectra containing molecular and atomic lines along with the underlying dust continuum. As a demonstration, we have applied the extended SKIRT code to hydrodynamic simulation results for active galactic nuclei (AGN) tori in post-processing, specifically the "radiation-driven fountain" model. We generated multi-wavelength images with atomic and molecular line spectra (CI, CO, and H2) and dust continuum. In this talk, I will present several science cases derived from these radiative transfer results, which can interpret recent observational results of AGN tori.
