
第31回(講演 2)


Exploring the Role of AGN Feedback in Galaxy Formation

レベッカ・ビエーリ 氏



Feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) is routinely included in semi-analytic and numerical simulations, which have shown that such feedback is able to quench cooling flows and decrease star formation. Radio-mode feedback models from AGN jets are, however, still in the early stages of development. The impact of the jet on the host galaxy, for instance, is not yet fully understood. Recent simulations studying the interaction of an AGN jet with the galaxy by Gaibler et al. (2012) have shown that the jet activity is able to enhance the star formation rate by pressurising the disc. Analytical arguments by Kim et al. (2012) support the idea that a pressurised disc causes instabilities to form, pushing the gas densities above the star formation threshold and leading to an increased star formation rate within the galaxy. I will discuss our investigation of the pressurisation of the disc by means of hydrodynamical simulations with the RAMSES code and compare our results with the theoretical predictions of Kim et al. (2012).

