

Formation of dense filaments induced by runaway supermassive black holes


扇谷 豪 氏


A narrow linear object extending ~60kpc from the centre of a galaxy at redshift z ~ 1 has been recently discovered and interpreted as a shocked gas filament forming stars. The host galaxy presents an irregular morphology, implying recent merger event...


Probing quasar proximity zones with Lyman-alpha emission: Can we guess quasar’s age?


羽田 龍一郎 氏


We present a theoretical framework for linking quasar properties, such as quasar age, to the surrounding Ly α emission intensity. In particular, we focus on a method for mapping the large-scale structure of Ly α emission intensity with galaxy spectra...

  1. Formation of dense filaments induced by runaway supermassive black holes, 扇谷 豪 氏(浙江大学)   令和5年 8月  
  2. Probing quasar proximity zones with Lyman-alpha emission: Can we guess quasar’s age?, 羽田 龍一郎 氏(オハイオ州立大学)   令和5年 7月