Survey of non-thermal electrons around supermassive black holes through polarization flips
Tsunetoe, Yuh, Kawashima, Tomohisa, Ohsuga, Ken, & Mineshige, Shin
Optically thick non-thermal synchrotron sources notably produce linear polarization vectors that are parallel to projected magnetic field lines on the observer’s screen, although they are perpendicular in well-known optically thin cases. To elucidate the complex relationship between the vectors and fields, and to investigate the energy and spatial distribution of non-thermal electrons through the images, we perform polarization radiative transfer calculations at submillimeter wavelengths. Here the calculations are based on semi-analytic force-free jet models with non-thermal electrons with a power-law energy distribution. In the calculated images, we find a 90∘-flip of linear polarization vectors at the base of counter-side (receding) jet near a black hole, which occurs because of large optical depths for the synchrotron self- absorption effect. The 90∘-flip of LP vectors is also seen on the photon ring at a high frequency, since the optical depth along the rays is large there due to the light bending effect. In addition, we see the flip of the sign of circular polarization components on the counter-jet and photon ring. Furthermore, we show that these polarization flips are synthesized with large values in the spectral index map, and also give rise to outstanding features in the Faraday Rotation Measure map. Since the conditions of flipping depend on the magnetic field strength and configuration and the energy distribution of electrons, we can expect that the polarization flips will provide us with observational evidence for the presence of non-thermal electrons around the black hole, and a clue to the magnetic driving mechanism of plasma jets.