
Radio Images inside Highly Magnetized Jet Funnels Based on Semianalytic GRMHD Models

Ogihara, Taiki,   Kawashima, Tomohisa,   & Ohsuga, Ken


By performing general-relativistic radiative transfer calculations, we show the radio images of relativistic jets including highly magnetized regions inside jet funnels, based on steady, axisymmetric, and semianalytic general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics models. It is found that multiple ring images appear at the photon frequency of 230 GHz for nearly pole-on observers, because of the strong light-bending effect on photons generated at the separation surface, which is the boundary between the inflow and outflow flows in the jet funnel. A bright teardrop-shaped component, which extends from the bright rings of the separation surface, also appears in the counterjet region. The diameter of the brightest outermost ring originated from the counterjet is ~60 μas, which is consistent with the ringlike images of M87 at 86 GHz observed with GMVA, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, and the Greenland Telescope, whose ring diameter is . The thinner and smaller-diameter rings are exhibited when the black hole spin magnitude is higher. These morphological features are expected to appear without being prominently affected by the detailed magnetohydrodynamic plasma parameters of our general-relativistic ideal magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) jet model, since the location of the separation surface is mainly regulated by the black hole spin. Our GRMHD model and the emission features of the images in the horizon-scale, highly magnetized jet funnel may be tested by future observations, e.g., the next-generation Event Horizon Telescope and the Black Hole Explorer.
