Theoretical Astrophysics Colloquia

42nd Colloquium

Computing the Universe: from Intergalactic to Interstellar Medium


Renyue Cen

Princeton University

This talk will highlight some progress made based on our efforts of computing the universe, in order to understand the dynamics of gas in the universe, from intergalactic to interstellar medium. Select observables presented include the cosmic web from redshift zero to z=2-4, and the escape fraction of Lyman continuum...

41st Colloquium

Probing dust aggregate structure in protoplanetary disks by millimeter-wave polarization


Ryo Tazaki

University of Tohoku

Dust coagulation in protoplanetary disks is the first step of planetesimal formation. However, a pathway from dust aggregates to planetesimals remains unclear. Both laboratory and numerical studies have so far shown that the structure of a dust aggregate plays important roles in planetesimal formation. However, the aggregate structure has been...

  1. Computing the Universe: from Intergalactic to Interstellar Medium, Renyue Cen (Princeton University)   June 2019  
  2. Probing dust aggregate structure in protoplanetary disks by millimeter-wave polarization, Ryo Tazaki (University of Tohoku)   May 2019