Y. Kaneda, K. Otaki, M. Mori, “c-M relation of the sub-galactic DM halos and the effect of the cusp-to-core transition”, 2023, proceedings of IAU Symposium 379
Y. Kaneda & S. Furusawa, “Dark Matter Capture by Neutron Stars with Modern Nuclear Equations of State”, 2022, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 91, 065003
金田優香, Andreas Burkert, 大滝恒輝, 三木 洋平, 森正夫, “Bifurcation of a stellar stream by a collisionwith a dark satellite or wandering black hole”, 日本天文学会春季年会, ポスター/口頭, 東京大学本郷キャンパス, 2024/3
金田優香, Andreas Burkert, 大滝恒輝, 三木 洋平, 森正夫, “Bifurcation of a stellar stream by a collisionwith a dark satellite or wandering black hole”, すばるPFSが拓く銀河・銀河系の形成進化:サテライトワークショップ, 口頭, 国立天文台三鷹キャンパス, 2024/3
金田優香, 大滝恒輝, 森正夫, “The origin of the constant central surface density of galactic dark matter halos and a new scaling relation for wide-scale objects”, Osaka-CCA-Pisa mini-ILR workshop, 口頭, 大阪大学, 2023/11
金田優香, 数野優大, 大滝恒輝, 森正夫, “The universal scaling relations of dark matter halos and the effect of cusp-to-core transition”, Local Galaxies Workshop, 口頭, 東北大学, 2022/12
Y. Kaneda, Y. Kazuno, K. Otaki, M. Mori, “The effect of the cusp-to-core transformation on universal scaling relations of dark matter haloes”, Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium 2022, Oral, 東京大学柏キャンパス, November 2022