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See a summary of my research achievements


Recent publications

  • "Simultaneous Formation of the Andromeda Giant Southern Stream and Eastern Extent", Yamaguchi, Misa; Mori, Masaoi; Kirihara, Takanobu; Miki, Yohei; Ogami, itsuki; Chiba, Masashi; Komiyama, Yutaka; Tanaka, Mikito, submitted.

  • "Splitting a Stellar Stream, Bridging Luminous and Dark Domains", Kaneda, Yuka; Mori, Masao; Miki, Yohei; Kirihara, Takanobu; Burkert, Andreas, submitted.

  • "Novel Individual Timestep Integrator with Symplectic Property using Hamiltonian Splitting for SPH", Yuasa, Takuhiro; Mori, Masao; Miki, Yohei, submitted to Astrophysical Journal.

  • "Accelerated Hermite integrator for orbital integration with OpenACC", Otaki, Koki; Mori, Masao; Miki, Yohei; Takahashi, Daisuke, submitted to Computer Physics Communications.

  • "The structure of the stellar halo of the Andromeda galaxy explored with the NB515 for Subaru/HSC. I.: New Insights on the stellar halo up to 120 kpc", Ogami, Itsuki, et al., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 536, 530 (2025) [MNRAS / arXiv:2401.00668]

  • "Cosmological evolution of dark matter subhaloes under tidal stripping by growing Milky Way-like galaxies", Kazuno, Yudai; Mori, Masao; Kaneda, Yuka; Otaki, Koki, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, L39 (2024) [PASJ / arXiv:2410.22185]

  • "A universal scaling relation incorporating the cusp-to-core transition of dark matter haloes", Kaneda, Yuka; Mori, Masao; Otaki, Koki, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 1026 (2024) [PASJ / arXiv:2407.03614]

  • "Novel hydrodynamic schemes capturing shocks and contact discontinuities and comparison study with existing methods", Yuasa, Takuhiro; Mori, Masao, New Astronomy, 109, 102208 (2024). [New Astronomy / arXiv:2312.03224v3]

  • "Frequency of the dark matter subhalo collisions and bifurcation sequence arising formation of dwarf galaxies", Otaki, Koki; Mori, Masao, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525, 2535-2552 (2023). [MNRAS / arXiv:2308.03737]

  • "Transonic galactic wind model including stellar feedbacks and application to outflows in high/low-z galaxies", Igarashi, Asuka; Mori, Masao; Nitta, Shin-ya, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 1214-1245 (2023).

  • "Study of Galaxy Collisions and Thermodynamic Evolution of Gas Using the Exact Integration Scheme", Otaki, Koki; Mori, Masao, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13378, 373-387 (2022).

  • "Destruction of the central black hole gas reservoir through head-on galaxy collisions", Miki, Yohei; Mori, Masao; Kawaguchi, Toshihiro, Nature Astronomy, 5, 478-484 (2021).

  • "Discrimination of heavy elements originating from Pop III stars in z = 3 intergalactic medium", Kirihara, Takanobu; Hasegawa, Kenji; Umemura, Masayuki; Mori, Masao; Ishiyama, Tomoaki, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491, 4387-4395 (2020).

  • "Stellar Stream and Halo Structure in the Andromeda Galaxy from a Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey", Komiyama, Yutaka; Chiba, Masashi; Tanaka, Mikito; Tanaka, Masayuki; Kirihara, Takanobu; Miki, Yohei; Mori, Masao, et al., Astrophysical Journal, 853, 29 (2018).

  • "Systematic Identification of LAEs for Visible Exploration and Reionization Research Using Subaru HSC (SILVERRUSH). I. Program strategy and clustering properties of ~2000 Lya emitters at z = 6-7 over the 0.3-0.5 Gpc2 survey area", Ouchi, Masami; Harikane, Yuichi; Shibuya, Takatoshi; Shimasaku, Kazuhiro; Taniguchi, Yoshiaki; Konno, Akira; Kobayashi, Masakazu; Kajisawa, Masaru; Nagao, Tohru; Ono, Yoshiaki; Inoue, Akio K.; Umemura, Masayuki; Mori, Masao, et al., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 70, 13O (2018),

  • "The nature of the progenitor of the M31 north-western stream: globular clusters as milestones of its orbit", Kirihara, Takanobu; Miki, Yohei; Mori, Masao, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, 3390 (2017).

  • "Formation of the Andromeda giant stream: asymmetric structure and disc progenitor", Kirihara, Takanobu; Miki, Yohei; Mori, Masao; Kawaguchi, Toshihiro; Rich, R. Michael, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464, 35 (2017).

  • "ALMA Reveals Strong [C II] Emission in a Galaxy Embedded in a Giant Lyα Blob at z = 3.1", Umehata, Hideki; Matsuda, Yuichi; Tamura, Yoichi; Kohno, Kotaro; Smail, Ian; Ivison, R. J.; Steidel, Charles C.; Chapman, Scott C.; Geach, James E.; Hayes, Matthew; Nagao, Tohru; Ao, Yiping; Kawabe, Ryohei; Yun, Min S.; Hatsukade, Bunyo; Kubo, Mariko; Kato, Yuta; Saito, Tomoki; Ikarashi, Soh; Nakanishi, Kouichiro; Lee, Minju; Izumi, Takuma; Mori, Masao; Ouchi, Masami, Astrophysical Journal, 834, L16 (2017).

  • "Universal Dark Halo Scaling Relation for the Dwarf Spheroidal Satellites", Hayashi, Kohei; Ishiyama, Tomoaki; Ogiya, Go; Chiba, Masashi; Inoue, Shigeki; Mori, Masao, Astrophysical Journal, 843, 97 (2017).

  • "Polytropic transonic galactic outflows in a dark matter halo with a central black hole", Igarashi, Asuka; Mori, Masao; Nitta, Shin-ya, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470, 2225 (2017).

Selected publications

  • "Destruction of the central black hole gas reservoir through head-on galaxy collisions", Miki, Yohei; Mori, Masao; Kawaguchi, Toshihiro, Nature Astronomy, 5, 478-484 (2021).

  • "The connection between the cusp-to-core transformation and observational universalities of DM haloes", Ogiya, Go; Mori, Masao; Ishiyama, Tomoaki; Burkert, Andreas, Astrophysical Journal, 440, L7 (2014)

  • "The Core-Cusp Problem in Cold Dark Matter Halos and Supernova Feedback: Effects of Oscillation", Ogiya, Go; Mori, Masao, Astrophysical Journal, 793, 46 (2014).

  • "The Once and Future Andromeda Stream", Mori, Masao; Rich, R. Michael, Astrophysical Journal, 674, L77 (2008).

  • "The evolution of galaxies from primeval irregulars to present-day ellipticals", Mori, Masao; Umemura, Masayuki, Nature, 440, 644 (2006).

  • "Early Metal Enrichment by Pregalactic Outflows. II. Three-dimensional Simulations of Blow-Away", Mori, Masao; Ferrara, Andrea; Madau, Piero, Astrophysical Journal, 571, 40 (2002).

  • "Gas Stripping of Dwarf Galaxies in Clusters of Galaxies", Mori, Masao; Burkert, Andreas, Astrophysical Journal, 538, 559 (2000).

  • "Dissipative Process as a Mechanism of Differentiating Internal Structures between Dwarf and Normal Elliptical Galaxies in a Cold Dark Matter Universe", Mori, Masao; Yoshii, Yuzuru; Tsujimoto, Takuji; Ken'ichi, Nomoto, Astrophysical Journal, 511, 585 (1999).

  • "The Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies with Star Formation in an Outward-propagating Supershell", Mori, Masao; Yoshii, Yuzuru; Tsujimoto, Takuji; Nomoto, Ken'ichi, Astrophysical Journal, 478, L21 (1997).

Research Grants

  • 2024-2027年度 "Hunting Dark Satellites Problem:ダークマターパラドクスの解明" 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者

  • 2024-2026年度 "銀河の恒星系動力学理論とその応用に基づく銀河暗黒物質の解明" (代表 千葉柾史) 基盤研究(B) 研究分担者

  • 2020-2023年度 "ダークサテライトは存在するか?―コールドダークマターモデルにおける諸問題の解明" 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者

  • 2015-2019年度 "すばるHSCとSDSSで探る宇宙論的スケールの物質循環" (代表 大内正己) 基盤研究(A) 研究分担者

  • 2013-2018年度 " 輻射流体シミュレーションによる銀河系統樹の構築" 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者

  • 2011-2014年度 "次世代大規模探査とシミュレーションで挑む宇宙再電離" (代表 大内正己) 基盤研究(A) 研究分担者

  • 2009-2012年度 "理論と観測の融合による銀河発生学の探究" 基盤研究(A) 研究代表者

  • 2008-2012年度 "第一世代天体から原始銀河に至る宇宙暗黒時代の解明" (代表 梅村雅之) 基盤研究(S) 研究分担者

  • 2006-2008年度 "高精度ハイブリットシミュレーションで探る銀河の発生学" 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者

  • 2004-2007年度 "融合型並列計算機による宇宙第一世代天体の起源の解明" (代表 梅村雅之) 特別推進研究 研究分担者

  • 2002-2004年度 "ハイブリッドシミュレーションによる銀河進化のブロードバンドモデリング" 若手研究(B) 研究代表者

  • 2003-2004年度 "並列計算機で探る宇宙の物質循環過程" 日本私立学校振興・共済事業団学術振興資金 研究代表者

  • 2003年度 "第一世代銀河の形成: 物理的シナリオの観測的実証へ向けての戦略" (代表 西亮一) 日本学術振興会日本—イタリアセミナー

  • 2002年度 "第一世代銀河の形成とその宇宙論的意義" (代表 梅村雅之) 日本学術振興会日本—イタリアセミナー

  • 2001年度 (財)天文学振興財団研究助成 研究代表者

  • 1997-1999年度 日本学術振興会特別研究員特別研究員奨励費 研究代表者