Chapter 7. Execution of ssh Environment

Table of Contents
Preparing for SSH
Hostfile for SSH
Setting for firewall: Using SSH's port forwarding and MXIO option.
Execution of client program
Setting of Login name

SSH (secure shell) is a common method for using remote machines. In this section, we explain execution of OmniRPC applications using ssh. In addition, like using Globus, create a remote executable module, register a program, and to create program are almost the same. The only different details is the description of hostfile (hosts.xml).

Preparing for SSH

In this example, the environment is described below.

We assume that we can use SSH here. That is, we assume that we can access with SSH from to

When using SSH, you should set up auto authentication with an ssh-agent. If you do not, you have to type in the password at each remote host. If you want to know more detail, see man of "ssh-agent", In this example, we outline the usage below.

  1. Activate ssh-agent, and set the environment variable on your terminal.

    % eval `ssh-agent`
  2. Register the pass phrase with ssh-add.

    % ssh-add
    type your pass phrase here.[passwd]
    Identity added: /home/foo/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/foo/.ssh/id_rsa)
    % ssh-add

With the above procedure, you should confirm whether auto authentication is running or not.

%  ssh

With the above command, you can login to remote hosts without typing the password.