Recent Activities

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2024.7.2  An interview with Yuka Kaneda, recorded during the IAU Symposium "Dynamical Masses of Local Group Galaxies" in Potsdam last year, has been uploaded to YouTube. In the interview (8:35-10:14), she explains the cusp-core problem in cold dark matter halos.

2024.5.20  Misa Yamaguchi's "Report on a travel funded by the Hayakawa Yukio Fund of the Astronomical Society of Japan" was published in the June issue of the Astronomical Monthly Report.

2024.5.12  At the Yukari-no-Mori Garden, we had a joint welcome party for newcomers to the astrophysics group, both in theory and observation.Seven guys from our group took part in the event, where they enjoyed a BBQ and got to know other group members.

2024.4.22  We're excited to welcome four new members to our team: Kanta Aimoto, Michi Shinozaki, Akifumi Takayama, and Tatsuo Fujinomaki.

2024.4.20  Koki Otaki's "Report on a travel funded by the Hayakawa Yukio Fund of the Astronomical Society of Japan" was published in the May issue of the Astronomical Monthly Report.

2024.4.1  We're pleased to welcome first-year Master's student Taisei Takeuchi to our team. Additionally, Takanobu Kirihara, who graduated from our team in 2017, has taken up the position of Associate Professor at the Kitami Institute of Technology.

2024.3.31  Kazuma Koyata, M2, has graduated and emloyed by a private company. Koki Otaki, D3, has moved to Kagoshima University as a postdoctoral researcher and will transfer to the University of Rome shortly.

2024.3.26  I have been in Germany since March 12th. Today, I returned to Japan after holding joint research meetings with Prof. Andreas Burkert from the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics and Prof. Andreas Koch from the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut at the University of Heidelberg.