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Proceedings - Author Instructions [ Aug 11, 2003 ]
The proceedings will be published
in Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement.
Every participant will receive a copy of
the volume in early spring of 2004, hopefully.
The Proceedings will be produced from author-prepared camera-ready copy.
All authors will receive e-mail from Elsevier,
containing the instructions for preparing contributions
and the copyright transfer- and offprint forms.
You can also find the Elsevier's CRC LaTeX package at
You should use the 2-column CRC format.
The author guide is available in Postscript or PDF format.
Your contribution should not exceed the following page limits:
Plenary Talk of 60 Minutes |
14 Pages |
Plenary Talk of 45 Minutes |
10 Pages |
Plenary Talk of 30 Minutes |
7 Pages |
Parallel Talk or Poster |
3 Pages |
These limits will be strictly enforced.
The camera-ready Postscript file of the manuscript
should be uploaded from
no later than Monday, September 15, 2003 .
The submission page will be closed after the deadline.
We DO NOT accept e-mail submissions .
There are a couple of important rules Elsevier demands that
the editors should notify the authors :
(1) Papers will not be accepted if they have been published elsewhere. |
(2) The cost for reproduction of color pages is as follows : |
635 EUR for the first color page, 318 EUR per color page thereafter.
These costs will be borne by the author(s) of the contribution
in which the color pages appear.
We will also compose Web Proceedings,
an assorted list of links to the Lattice 2003 contributions
in e-print archive.
The submission to the server should include the string
Lattice2003(xxx) in the "Comments" field, |
where xxx indicates a plenary talk
or a parallel/poster contribution by topic as follows :
xxx |
plenary |
Plenary |
matrix |
Matrix elements |
gravity |
Quantum gravity |
machine |
Machines and algorithms |
chiral |
Chiral fermions |
topology |
Topology and confinement |
theory |
Theoretical developments |
improve |
Improvement and renormalization |
nonzero |
Non-zero temperature and density |
heavy |
Heavy quark physics |
spectrum |
Hadron spectrum and quark masses |
higgs |
Spin and Higgs models |
- Lattice 2003 Local Organizing Committee
S.Aoki, S.Hashimoto, K-I.Ishikawa, N.Ishizuka, K.Kanaya (Chair), T.Kaneko,
Y.Kikukawa, Y.Kuramashi, A.Nakamura, T.Onogi, Y.Taniguchi, T.Yoshié
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