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Planned large clusters
Jefferson Lab:
- 256 nodes, 4x8x8 GigE Budapest Architecture these weeks
- Mobo: SuperMicro X5DPE-G2, Intel 7501
- LL-Latency about 12 µs, 500 MB/s comm. BW, QMP
- 2004: 256 nodes, 2005: 3-4 susTflops, 2006: 5-6 susTflops
- 256 nodes in late summer
- Mobo: 533 Mhz XEON or 800 Mhz single P4 if PCI-X
- SSE instructions with complex arith. on Prescott
- 2005: 3-4 susTflops, 2006: 5-6 susTflops
- 1024 proc. cluster end of 2003
- ParaStation on GigE hybrid, I/O intensive applications