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Lattice 2003 Second Announcement [ Apr. 1, 2003 ]
Please visit our web page
for the latest information of the conference.
early registration (35,000 yen)
late registration (45,000 yen)
submission of abstract
for contributed talk/poster
hotel reservation
application for financial support
: before
: after
: before
: before
: before
May 10, 2003
May 10, 2003
May 10, 2003
June 14, 2003
Apr. 30, 2003
The registration can be done on our web page.
The registration fee is
35,000 yen (45,000 yen after May 10, 2003).
It covers reception,
banquet, coffee breaks and proceedings, while excursion is optional
and requires an additional fee (for details, see below).
The on-line registration is handled by a travel agency. Credit card,
bank transfer and bank draft are acceptable for payment. An ID number
will be issued when the registration is completed. It will be needed
at the hotel reservation page.
For students and for participants from Eastern Europe, former USSR, or
developing countries, who are unable to obtain sufficient support
elsewhere, there is limited
financial support to cover
the conference fee
( and/or, in very limited cases, a part of the local expense )
under the condition that the participant presents a talk or
poster at the conference. A limited number of lower price (but less
comfortable) hotel rooms can also be arranged.
Those who want to apply
financial support (and cheaper hotel) should send an email to the LOC
( lat03@rccp.tsukuba.ac.jp : Closed )
and arrange a recommendation letter by
his/her PhD advisor or host Professor, no later than Apr. 30, 2003.
They should have finished the registration and submission of talk or
poster. The decision will be made by the LOC in due time.
The conference comprises invited talks in plenary sessions and
contributed talks / posters.
A tentative schedule of the conference is as follows.
| morning | afternoon | evening
------------ +----------+-----------+------------
July 14 (Mon)| | | reception
15 (Tue)| plenary | parallel | informal
16 (Wed)| plenary | parallel | poster
17 (Thu)| plenary | free (excursion)
18 (Fri)| parallel | plenary | banquet
19 (Sat)| plenary | plenary
Welcome reception and registration will be open
on Monday around 17:00--21:00 at EPOCHAL TSUKUBA.
The conference will end around 17:00 on Saturday.
Abstracts for contributed talks and posters
( Closed on May 15, 2003 )
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Each contributed talk will be 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion.
Title and abstract for parallel talks and posters should be submitted
through the conference web page, no later than May 10, 2003.
Due to the limitation of time
the LOC may ask some of the oral contributions
to move to the poster session.
We urge senior participants to consider presenting their work
in posters to provide greater opportunity
for younger colleagues to present talks.
The hotel reservation can also be made through our web page.
An ID number,
which can be obtained by completing the conference registration,
will be required on the first page of the reservation form.
For the participants of this conference, a block of rooms are reserved
Okura Frontier Hotel Tsukuba ,
Okura Frontier Hotel Tsukuba Epochal ,
Hotel Grand Shinonome
Hotel Route Tsukuba ,
all of which are
located in the central area of Tsukuba City.
All the participants, including invited speakers, should make the
hotel reservation through the form available on the accommodation page,
no later than June 14.
The reservation process is handled by a travel agency
under the first-come-first-served basis.
The reservation is not effective until a deposit of 10,000 yen is paid.
Okura Frontier Hotel Tsukuba is adjacent to the "Tsukuba Center" bus
terminal, where direct buses from the Narita Airport and from the JR
(Japan Railways) Tokyo Station arrive. Okura Frontier Hotel Tsukuba
Epochal is about 800 meters south of the bus terminal and is directly
connected to the Tsukuba International Congress Center
where the conference will be held.
Hotel Grand Shinonome is about 500 meters west of the bus terminal,
which is an easy walking distance
from both the bus terminal and the Congress Center.
Hotel Route Tsukuba is about 1000 meters east of the bus terminal,
from which a daily shuttle service to the Congress Center will be provided.
Tsukuba is located about 60km north of Tokyo and about 40km
northwest of the Narita International Airport. The Tsukuba
Center and the above mentioned hotels are in the central
area of Tsukuba.
How to reach Tsukuba is explained in the web page
http://www.epochal.or.jp/english/04access/access_tukuba_g.htm .
See also
at CCP, Univ. Tsukuba,
at KEK, and
at Tsukuba information center.
The easiest way is to take a direct bus service, called the
Airport Liner "NATT'S", from the Narita Airport through
Tsukuba Center to Tsuchiura Station. Tickets are available
at the "Airport Limousine Keisei" counter on the 1st floor
in the arrival lobby. (Remind that the "Airport Limousine
Bus" counter on the same floor, by another company, does not
take care of the NATT'S bus service.) The fare is 2,540 yen
per person. The bus leaves the Airport every ~ 90 minutes
(see the time schedule), and it takes about one hour and 40
minutes to Tsukuba Center. (Since the bus does not go
through Japanese Expressways and is hardly caught in a
traffic jam, the schedule would be reliable.) The last bus
leaves the Airport at 20:00. There are four bus stops:
"Shin-Tone-Machi" (which is skipped occasionally),
"Hitachino-Ushiku Station", "Tsukuba Center" and "Tsuchiura
Station"; you should ride off the bus at Tsukuba Center (not
Tsuchiura Station).
The easiest way to move to the Narita Airport from Tsukuba is again to
take the direct bus service. The ticket going to the airport, however,
needed to be reserved and purchased at least one day in advance.
Further information will be available at the registration desk.
The afternoon of Thursday, July 17, is free.
We arrange an optional excursion to
Mito cities .
They are about 30 km northeast of Tsukuba.
Kasama is famous for its old shrine called
"Kasama Inari Jinja"
which has more than 1300 years of tradition.
Kasama is also known as a town of manufacture of pottery
and ceramic arts.
In Mito,
which is close from Kasama, you may visit
( photo album ) ,
one of three famous Japanese gardens.
This excursion is optional. Reservation can be made from the
registration web page.
The fee for excursion is 5,000 yen per
All the speakers, in the plenary, parallel and poster sessions, are
kindly asked to write their contribution to the proceedings. According
to the tradition, the proceedings will be published in Nuclear Physics
B - Proceedings Supplement. Further information will be given at the
Those who need an invitation letter from the LOC should visit a web
page linked from the conference web page, and fill out the form.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Tsukuba.
- Lattice 2003 Local Organizing Committee
S.Aoki, S.Hashimoto, K-I.Ishikawa, N.Ishizuka, K.Kanaya (Chair), T.Kaneko,
Y.Kikukawa, Y.Kuramashi, A.Nakamura, T.Onogi, Y.Taniguchi, T.Yoshié
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