This is the fourth workshop of
the International Lattice Field Theory Network (ILFTN),
which aims at constructing a cooperative international
framework in lattice field theories among universities and research
institutions in Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the US. For the Japanese
funding which has been provided by JSPS, this is a wrap-up workshop to
summarize the activity in the past couple of years.
The purpose of the workshop is to summarize what we have achieved so far
in this research program, to estimate its impact on our researches and on the
outside of our field, and to discuss what to do next.
Of course larger portion of the workshop time will be allocated to physics
discussions on lattice QCD simulations in general, from machines and
algorithms to hadron phenomenology.
In addition we discuss the status and future of
"International Lattice Data Grid",
which provides a system to share the simulation data
internationally, to prepare for the official ILDG start-up in June 2006.
From Zushi station to Sokendai
- Taxi is about 2600 Yen.
- For bus please take No.16 starting from bus stop No.1 every one hour.
Fee is 340 Yen.
The bus stop "Shonan Village Center" is on the hill and you can notice that many guys get off there.
Registration form
Hotel reservation
- We reserved a block of rooms at the "Shonan Village Center Hotel", which is in a walking distance from the university.
(No.1 is the hotel and No.5 is the conference site.)
Charge for a single room is 15,280 yen per night including dinner, breakfast and lunch plus tax.
- Dormitory of the Sokendai university is also available mainly for students.
A room is shared with others. Arrangement will be made by organizers.
Charge is 1,100-1,600 yen per night depending on the room.
Meals are 5,578 yen per day including dinner, breakfast and lunch.
- There is almost no other restaurant in a walking distance except for an expensive one.
We recommend to include meals in your reservation.
- For reservation please print out and fill the accommodation form and send by fax to +81-46-855-1816.
Note that the rooms are not available after the workshop,
namely on (and after) the night of Saturday, March 11th.
- Limited amount of financial support is available for graduate
students and post doc's who obtain absolutely no support elsewhere.
It will cover local expenses.
One can apply for this support in the registration form.
In case that there are too many requests, selection will be made by
the local organizers.
- 国内の学生及びポスドクに関しては旅費と滞在費のサポートが可能です。
Dead line of the support is February 3, 2006.
Local information
Note that the dead line of registration is February 20, 2006.
All correspondence concerning the conference should be directed to either of us:
We would appreciate your making letting your colleagues know of this workshop.
Sinya Aoki, Shoji Hashimoto and Yusuke Taniguchi for the workshop coordinators