omni-mark Omni/SCASH-MPI: Cluster-enabled Omni OpenMP on a software distributed shared memory system SCASH-MPI

What's Omni/SCASH-MPI?

SCASH-MPI is a software distributed shared memory system using MPI as the communication layer of the SCASH DSM. MPI is the most common communication layer supported by high performance clusters. By using MPI as a communication layer, one can exploit a high-speed network of several clusters with high portability.

Omni/SCASH-MPI is an extension of Omni/SCASH for SCASH-MPI. Omni extensions for Omni/SCASH also can be used on Omni/SCASH-MPI.



How to compile and run your program on your cluster

To test your installation, "Omni/tests/scash-test" directory contains some sample programs.