

omrpc-gen -- A program to generate OmniRPC's stub.


omrpc-gen [file.idl] [file.c]


Generates the stub program file.c (in C language) from the IDL file file.idl. If the IDL file is omitted, the input is from STDIN. If the stub program argument is omitted, the output is STDOUT. Usually IDL files uses the file extension ".idl". The source file of stub program use the extension ".rex.c". The remote executable program which is compiled from the stub program, use the extension ".rex".

This program usually call from the OmniRPC's compile driver, so you can use it directly. If you compile the stub source program directly, you should specify the include directory, which is below the install directory, as the include path. And when you create the remote executable program, you should link the library for the stub (libomrpc_stub.a and libomrpc_io.a). If you install OmniRPC at the INSTALL_DIR, you should compile in the way shown below.

%cc -o foo.rex -IINSTALL_DIR/include foo.rex.c
    ... -LINSTALL_DIR/lib -lomrpc_stub.a -lomrpc_io