

omrpc-cc -- Compile driver for OmniRPC program.


omrpc-cc [options] [file.idl] [file.c ...]


The compile driver for the OmniRPC program. Links to necessary OmniRPC library. And, if the IDL file is in the arguments, creates remote executable program which corresponds to it.

When you create client program, the command is used like a C compiler. For example:

% omrpc-cc -o foo foo.c goo.o

Like a C compiler, this compiles foo.c, and links to goo.o, then the executable file foo is created. During this time, this command automatically sets the library and include file, which are necessary for OmniRPC. Additionally, if "-o" is not specified, like a C compiler, the object file is "a.out."

If the IDL file has an ".idl" extension in the argument file, this command generates the OmniRPC remote executable program from this file. This program name takes on the extension ".rex", for instance,

% omrpc-cc bar.idl goo.o

In this case, bar.rex is generated from bar.idl, and goo.o is the library linked to a remote execution program.



Compiles and generates the object file, but not the link.


Specifies object files.


Specifies the path to the library's directory.


Shows the command which should be executed. Execution is not carried out.


Shows the command which should be executed.

-liner link_command

Specifies the command to the link. If this option is omitted, the default command is cc, which is a driver of the C compiler. For example, if you use Fortran, you can specify f77 as a linker.