Install Test

To test the installation, proceed as follows. Before testing, you should move "OmniRPC/test" directory. And, in each test, you should move the directories s which are written by number. To obtain more detailed information of the test program, especially if you encounter trouble with program testing, add the command option "--debug", if some trouble on program testing.

stub test (worker program test)

To generate the stub program and test the "local-exec-test" program, move the subdirectory (omrpc_stub_test) and type in "make" to compile the program.

            % make

To test the stub program

            % local-exec-test

Next, we should register the stub information. In registration, we have to create the directory (${HOME}/.omrpc_registry).

            % mkdir $HOME/.omrpc_registry
            % make reg_stub


We test stub activation on a remote node. Especially, we test APIs (OmniRpcExecRemote, OmniRpcExecCall) which enable remote execution. First, we input "make" to compile the program.

            % make
To test the OmniRpcExecRemote API, <stub_directory> is a stub directory on which we compile procedure 1. We must describe <stub_directory> as an absolute path.
            % remote_exec_test1 <host> <stub_directory>

In a similar manner, test OmniRpcExecCall API.

            % remote_exec_test2 <host> <stub_directory>


You should check Remote Procedure Call's API(OmniRpcCall, OmniRpcCallByHandle). Create the host file(hostfile.xml). You can get more detailed information about creating hostfile.xml from hostfile.txt.

            % cat ~/.omrpc_registry/hosts.xml
            <Host name="localhost"/> 

Check OmniRpcCall API.

            % rcp-call-test1 
Check OmniRpcCallByHandle API.
            % rpc-call-test2 <host>
Check OmniRpcModuleInit, OmniRpcCall API.
            % rpc-call-test3
Check OmniRpcAsync, OmniRpcWaitAll API.
            % rpc-async-test1
The install test is finished.