* Tue Dec 07 2010 Ensemble - 1.4.7 ======== - HISQ actions - LinkTreatment * Sun Jan 17 2010 Ensemble - 1.4.6 Config - 1.3.1 ======== - processContents="lax" is added for import of namespace in the algorithm section * Sat Nov 14 2009 Ensemble - 1.4.5 ======== - Chirally Improved fermions * Mon May 19 2008 Ensemble - 1.4.4 ======== - Twisted mass mass split quark action - non-perturbative clover with smeared links for derivatice terms - at the bottom of the management section * Mon May 12 2008 Ensemble - 1.4.3 ======== - overlap quark action - topology fixing * Sun Nov 04 2007 Ensemble - 1.4.2 ======== - Changes in markovChain/management + add an optional tag * Sun Jun 03 2007 Ensemble - 1.4.1 ======== - anisotropic quark/gluon actions - link smearing - type defined for quarkField/normalisation, wilsonTmQuarkAction/mu (Feb 01 2007) * Fri Apr 05 2007 Ensemble - 1.4.0 ======== - Changes in markovChain/physics: + add to sixLinkGluonActions Configuration - 1.3.0 ============= - No change is made. Keep the configuraton namespace unchanged. * Fri Feb 17 2006 - 1.3.0 Ensemble ======== - Changes in markovChain/physics: + in any actions are removed to make the schema compatible with W3C definitions. + is added for tadpole improved actions - Changes in markovChain/algorithm: + change the algorithm part to allow another name space to be imported Configuration ============= - Changes in gaugeConfiguration/algorithm + change the algorithm part to allow another name space to be imported * Fri Dec 23 2005 - 1.2.1 Ensemble ======== - Changes in markovChain/physics: + Added new optional element - Changes in markovChain/algorithm: + Corrected definition of which should be an optional array of arbitrary length Configuration ============= - Changes in gaugeConfiguration/algorithm + Used same implementation of as in ensemble schema * Tue Nov 29 2005 - 1.2.0 Ensemble ======== - Changes in markovChain/management: + Made markovChain/management/revisions optional and changed type into nonNegativeInteger + Removed element markovChain/management/numberConfigs + Made markovChain/archiveHistory list of optionally zero length + Made markovChain/management/archiveHistory/elem/revision optional and changed type into nonNegativeInteger (to be consistent with configuration XML) + Added new optional element + Added documentation to revisionActionTypes - Changes in markovChain/physics: + Added new (mandatory) coefficient c3 to all sixLinkGluonActions + Dropped fixing coefficients of sixLinkGluonActions + Removed action tadpoleSymanzikGluonAction + Added new gluon actions: o treelevelSymanzikGluonAction o luescherWeiszGluonAction o tpLuescherWeiszGluonAction + Added new quark actions: o tpCloverQuarkAction o wilsonTmQuarkAction - Changes in markovChain/algorithm: + Changed markovChain/algorithm/parameters into a list of optionally zero length - Other changes: + Added comment with extended version number (i.e. 1.2.0) + Removed duplicated comments, updated few comments + Removed element markovChain/revision already obsolete in former QCDml revisions. Configuration ============= - Changes in gaugeConfiguration/management: + Made gaugeConfiguration/management/revisions optional and changed type into nonNegativeInteger + Added 'replace' to revisionActionType + Removed element gaugeConfiguration/management/numberConfigs + Added documentation to revisionActionTypes - Other changes: + Added comment with extended version number (i.e. 1.2.0) + Corrected typos