www.rccp.tsukuba.ac.jp/ildg/ensemble1 3 CPPACS NF2+1-iwasakiRG-npClover http://arxiv.org/hep-lat/0403999 1 add 430 Chris Maynard University of Edinburgh 2004-04-03T16:50:22Z first submission, data from T3AA 2 add 170 Chris Maynard University of Edinburgh 2004-04-04T16:50:22Z Data from Alpha Cluster added 3 remove -30 Chris Maynard University of Edinburgh 2004-04-05T16:70:22Z 30 config from T3AA turned out to be broken X 16 Y 16 Z 16 T 32 www.rccp.tsukuba.ac.jp/ildg/iwasakiRG.html SU(3) periodic periodic periodic periodic 2.3 3.648 -0.331 www.rccp.tsukuba.ac.jp/ildg/npClover.html sqrt2Kappa periodic periodic periodic antiperiodic 2 0.1350 2.01752 1 0.1340 2.01752 CP-PACS-PHMC www.rccp.tsukuba.ac.jp/ildg/PHMC.html http://arxiv.org/hep-lat/0403888 true timestep 0.62500001E-02 sweepLength 160 polynomialOrder 130 ftp://rccp.tsukuba.ac.jp/NF3/Translation/ToSTDConf.c