QCDML proposal

(May 07 2004)
After the metadata working group completed QCDML draft ver.4.0, we have worked to adopt some of SciDAC proposals to improve QCDML, and agreed on almost everything of QCDML (called as QCDML0.4), except issues related to binary/file format. Sample markups are
  • ensemble.xml (or ensemble.txt)
  • config1.xml (or config1.txt)
    (If your browser does not work properly for xml ID (*.xml), please see text files (*.txt).)

    Here is our discussion list.
  • A. Ensemble vs. Configuration
  • B. Management (issues to be discussed with MWWG)
  • C. Physics
  • D. Misc
  • E. binary/file formats
  • Items (to be) discussed
    (black: concluded, green: suspended, blue: active for discussions)
  • A-1. Are algorithm, machine, code and precision properties of an ensemble?
    ((Concluded,May07)) See QCDML0.4.
  • B-1. A mechanism to add/remove configurations to/from ensemble.
    ((Concluded,May07)) See QCDML0.4.
  • B-2. Number of configurations stored in an ensemble.
    ((Concluded,May07)) We omit a tag like "totalNumberConfs"; it can easily be counted.
  • B-3. Is "project" in "management" a free text?
    ((Concluded,May07)) "project" is "understandable free text"
  • B-4. How to deal with "reference" if no preprint is published.
    ((Concluded,May07)) See QCDML0.4, will be discussed community-wide
  • B-5. Should a dependency list be added to QCDML?
    ((Concluded,May07)) to be discussed for a future version of QCDML.
  • C-1. To what level we group actions
    ((Concluded,May07)) See QCDML0.4
  • C-2. How to describe non-degenerate quark action
    ((Concluded,May07)) See QCDML0.4
  • C-3. How to describe parameters of action
    ((Concluded,May07)) See QCDML0.4
  • C-4. Do we split action into gluon and quark?
    ((Concluded,May07)) See QCDML0.4
  • C-5. How to describe fields and boundary conditions
    ((Concluded,May07)) See QCDML0.4
  • D-1. Are glossary documents dependent of groups?
    ((Concluded,May07)) See QCDML0.4, glossary is a URI to a documentation provided by contributors
  • D-2. Gauge fixed configurations
    ((SUSPENDED,May07)) we add tags for gauge fixing later
  • D-3. Should the configuration metadata provide a CRC for the config?
  • D-4. Should the plaquette be stored in the configuration metadata?
    ((Concluded,May07)) See QCDML0.4.
  • D-5. "precision" and "cLibrary".
  • E-1. Do we arrange standard binary format?
  • E-2. Is the standard binary format an abstract format?
  • E-3. Should users binary format be common for all configurations in one ensemble?
  • E-4. How to convert formats (If E-2. is yes)
  • E-5. Details of standard format
  • E-6. Pointers to c-library (if this method is adopted)
  • E-7. Pointers to BinX xml ID (if we adopt BinX)
  • E-8. Do we pack configurations, xml ID's etc. ?
  • E-9. What do we pack ?
  • E-10. What technology do we adopt for packing?
  • E-11. Detail of file format
  • Detail of Discussions
  • May 05, 2004