Some of us (Dirk, Paul,...) need more actions marked up as soon as possible. ((T.Yoshie, 2005 Nov 15)) Indeed. My original idea was that if we can make a general structure for actions in the schema, then new actions can be added in a modular way with the Feature so that a new action does not necessarily entail a new version of the schema. I haven't done this for Dirk's actions. We should decide how we manage this, i.e. does a new action which doesn't change the structure need a new revision, i.e. QCDml1.2, or is it QCDml1.1.1 where QCDml1.1 IDs don't need to get the new schema. What scheme should adopt for this? I guess this is related to B) and C) (( C. Maynard 2005-11-15)) We should not change the name if the schema is backward compatible, i.e. all documents conforming to the previous schema continue to conform to the modified schema. To distinguish schemata being updated in this way, they should contain a comment with an extended version number. For the current schema we could, e.g., use 1.1.0 as an extended version number, 1.1.1 for the updated schema. Both schemata would have the name QCDml1.1. As a matter of principle, we should aim for not changing the name. ((D. Pleiter, 2005-11-15)) Discussions are separated to F-1), F-2) and F-3) ((T. Yoshie, 2005-11-17)) In item B), Chris considers possibilityes of ad-hoc, or bi-annual, or annual release. In item B) and C), Dirk proposes that we should release an updated schema within a short period of time after a change has been requested and accepted, adding that "any proposal of change is automatically accepted if there is no objection circulated within the MDWG within a certain period of time (e.g. 2 weeks)" I certainly agree that Dirk's proposal is the best way to do. Is "2 weeks" sufficient? ((T. Yoshie, 2005-11-17)) At ILDG7, I summarized a procedure to process a request from users to markup new configurations. I think 2 weeks period is sufficient before the proposed schema is automatically approved. If you have objections, let us know soon. ((T.Yoshie, 2005-12-09)) "onfiguraions" above --> "actions" ((T.Yoshie, 2005-12-15))