Balint and Dirk recently circulated opinions on this issue. ((T.Yoshie, 2005 Nov 15)) I think should be thinking about how we extend the data to derived lattice quantities. Should this be a separate discussion thread as it is open-ended and only just starting! (( C. Maynard, 2005-11-15)) OK. let us continue discussions in separate series of Emails. ((T. Yoshie, 2005-11-17)) OK. Let us start that discussion. I should add that both Dirk and I seem to agree that 'lattice scale' or 'lattice spacing' is an fairly badly defined concept. However as Dirk said, a from r0a, r1a or some other concrete observable is much more clearly defined. My colleagues in MILC are very keen to do queries on the lattice spacing. Since they have control over their dataLFNs if we don't extend the schema, they will encode it there. That is to my mind undesirable. Fundmentally adding observables is no different from adding actions. I would therefore recommend that procedures in section F) apply here too. ((B. Joo, 2005-18-11)) I suggest to extent the element by the optional element which has the following sub-structure: ... ... ... ... Comments: - Initial list of types: ar0, ar1, mv/mps, plaquette - It would not be possible to query for all configurations with, e.g., x fm <= a <= y fm. - Searching for ensembles with a particular lattice spacing is only possible when the researcher accepts, e.g., the definition a^phys = (a/r0) r0^phys. In this particular example, the search will not match ensembles for which ar0 has not been measured even if ar1 has been measured. ((D. Pleiter, 2005 Nov 20)) I agree Dirks proposal. Don't we have to have glossary for observables? ((T. Yoshie, 2005 Nov 21)) This seems reasonable to me. Should we forsee one glossary of the section or one for ? ((D. Pleiter, 2005 Nov 21)) I prefer one for each . (( T.Yoshie, 2005 Nov 21)) I would recommend that "type" be "name" instead -- but this is just a nicety. The initial list of names/types is fine. However, if we have a glossary on each element or even just on the whole list, what is wrong with just having a "lattice spacing" observable 'a'? It is no more ambiguous than the "" tag in "". In fact with a 'glossary' it is much less so. The glossary could even give a full journal citation). In this case some kind of "units" tag would be good. ie: where we'd need to agree on unit conventions to allow queries. Another possibility would be to have: P where we assume that P is an integer and all physical possibilities are measured in units of $MeV^P$. For Lattice Units one could have P=0 or have be absent. This encoding is unambiguos but is MeV the most convenient unit (as opposed to say GeV) (( B.Joo, 2005 Nov 21)) As already pointed out by Dirk, lattice spacing is potentially very dangerous because it depends on a choise of physical quantiy we take as input (r0,r1, m_rho etc). Moreover, lattice spacing isn't even a property of ensemble: we often define lattice spacing from physical quantities at the chiral limit. I propose we restrict observables to be dimension-less quantites (r0a, r1a m_pi/m_rho, m_pi a, m_rho a, etc) which are property of ensemble. (( T.Yoshie, 2005, Nov 22))