I think you agree that official update requires Metadata working group discussions. Someone have to volunteer to write working schema and archive it. ((T.Yoshie, 2005 Nov 15)) I volunteer, but certainly happy for other people to help as well. (( C. Maynard, 2005-11-15)) I would appreciate if Chris would act as a final editor. As indicated in an earlier email, I think we have to consider the release process. I would like to propose a rule, where any proposal of change is automatically accepted if there is no objection circulated within the MDWG within a certain period of time (e.g. 2 weeks). I would like to avoid the experience of this summer, making specific proposals for adding actions without receiving any feedback yet. ((D. Pleiter, 2005-11-15)) I also would appreciate if Chris would volunteer. If you have no objections, let us decide that Chris acts as a final editor. Let us move Dirk's proposal "any proposal of change is automatically accepted ...." to "F-1) How to process proposals of adding new actions" ((T. Yoshie, 2005-11-17))