It seems to me that all members agreed that all revisions of schema have to be archived somewhere at the ILDG web page. ((T.Yoshie, 2005 Nov 15)) Yes. I think we need to agree a release schedule for further developments, i.e. fixes, new developments etc. Do we do this ad-hoc with some announcement to the community? Or do we have a bi-annual, or annual release? ((C. Maynard, 2005-11-15)) I do not think that we should have a fixed release cycle. We should rather aim for releasing an updated schema within a short period of time after a change has been requested (at least, if this request is accepted). ((D. Pleiter, 2005-11-15)) Let us move discussions on release cycle to the item "F-1) How to process proposals of adding new actions". Here I'd like to ask your opinions on "How to archive QCDml revisions" and "How to announce version-up of QCDml to the lattice community". For the first purpose, I prefer putting all revisions on the ILDG web page. For the latter purpose, we can use "lattice news" after the ILDG officially starts. ((T. Yoshie, 2005-11-17)) You can archive the versions of the QCDML in a File Gallery on the ILDG web page: There is a file gallery for this purpose. If you need to put a .xsd document into a particular place (eg that currently needs a human interaction. I volunteer to do this while I am here at the Jlab. You can announce new schema versions on this list or via the ILDGNews Blog on the ILDG web page This was set up by Andy Jackson ages ago but is not widely used. ((B. Joo, 2005 Nov 17)