Source code for pyFC.utils


This file essentially list all the members that will be imported
upon loading this module with import pyFC.

import pyFC.clouds as clouds
import numpy as np
import pyFC.mathtools as mt

# TODO make matplotlib dependence in utils optional
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import as cm

# Map all classes from
# Not sure if this is best done here or 
# in of the pyFC module
FCSlicer = clouds.FCSlicer
FCAffine = clouds.FCAffine
FCExtractor = clouds.FCExtractor
FCRayTracer = clouds.FCRayTracer
FCDataEditor = clouds.FCDataEditor
FCStats = clouds.FCStats
FractalCube = clouds.FractalCube
GaussianFractalCube = clouds.GaussianFractalCube
LogNormalFractalCube = clouds.LogNormalFractalCube
LogNormalPDF = mt.LogNormalPDF

# Map functions for working with cubes from
# the classes in to names here. 
# The fundamental manipulations are
# listed in FractalCube.__init__
slice = FCSlicer().slice
tri_slice = FCSlicer().tri_slice

translate = FCAffine().translate
permute = FCAffine().permute
mirror = FCAffine().mirror
center = FCAffine().center

extract_feature = FCExtractor().extract_feature
lthreshold = FCExtractor().lthreshold
touches_boundary = FCExtractor().touches_boundary

pp_raytrace = FCRayTracer().pp_raytrace

mult = FCDataEditor().mult
pow = FCDataEditor().pow

mean = FCStats().mean
std = FCStats().std
var = FCStats().var
rms = FCStats().rms
median = FCStats().median
skew = FCStats().skew
kurt = FCStats().kurt
flat = FCStats().flatness

write_cube = FractalCube().write_cube

# Utility functions

def _build_single_figure2(labels=True, colorbar=False):

    # The figure
    fig = pl.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
    pax = pl.axes()

    # Ticks or no ticks. The labels are cut off anyway.
    if labels:
        pl.tick_params(left='on', top='off', right='off', bottom='on',
                       labelleft='on', labeltop='off', labelright='off', labelbottom='on')
        pl.tick_params(left='off', top='off', right='off', bottom='off',
                       labelleft='off', labeltop='off', labelright='off', labelbottom='off')

    # Colorbar
    if colorbar:

    # Return figure and axes
    return fig, pax, cax

def _build_three_panel_figure(labels=(True, True, True), colorbar=(False, False, True)):

    # The figure
    fig = pl.figure(figsize=(18, 5))

    # Ticks or no ticks. The labels are cut off anyway.
    if labels:
        pl.tick_params(left='on', top='off', right='off', bottom='on',
                       labelleft='on', labeltop='off', labelright='off', labelbottom='on')
        pl.tick_params(left='off', top='off', right='off', bottom='off',
                       labelleft='off', labeltop='off', labelright='off', labelbottom='off')

    # Colorbar
    if colorbar:
        cax = pl.colorbar().ax
        cax = None

    # Return figure and axes
    return fig, pax, cax

def _build_single_figure(labels=True, colorbar=False):
    Construct a simple figure with a square panel. 
    Used in various routines here so functionalized.

    # Axes widths and heights {whc}: width height colorbar
    # Arbitrary units
    pwa, pha, cwa = 1., 1., 0.025

    # Margins and gaps {lmrtg}: left bottom right top gap
    # Arbitrary units
    if labels and colorbar:
        lma, bma, rma, tma = 0.200, 0.150, 0.200, 0.030
    elif labels and not colorbar:
        lma, bma, rma, tma = 0.200, 0.150, 0.030, 0.030
    elif not labels and colorbar:
        lma, bma, rma, tma = 0.015, 0.015, 0.200, 0.015
        lma, bma, rma, tma = 0.015, 0.015, 0.015, 0.015
    gwa = 0.01

    # Figure widths and heights in arbitrary units
    fwa = lma + pwa + rma
    if colorbar: fwa += gwa + cwa
    fha = bma + pha + tma

    # Above quantities in normalized units
    pw, ph, cw = pwa / fwa, pha / fha, cwa / fwa
    lm, rm, tm, bm, gw = lma / fwa, rma / fwa, tma / fha, bma / fha, gwa / fwa

    # Figure height width, inches
    fh = 5.
    fw = fh * fwa / fha

    # Create figure and axes
    if colorbar:
        fig = pl.figure(figsize=(fw, fh))
        pax = pl.axes([lm, bm, pw, ph])
        cax = pl.axes([lm + pw + gw, bm, cw, ph])
        fig = pl.figure(figsize=(fh, fh))
        pax = pl.axes([lm, bm, pw, ph])
        cax = None

    # Ticks or no ticks. The labels are cut off anyway.
    if labels:
        pl.tick_params(left='on', top='off', right='off', bottom='on',
                       labelleft='on', labeltop='off', labelright='off', labelbottom='on')
        pl.tick_params(left='off', top='off', right='off', bottom='off',
                       labelleft='off', labeltop='off', labelright='off', labelbottom='off')

    # Return figure and axes
    return fig, pax, cax

[docs]def paint_midplane_slice(fc, pax=pl.gca(), ax=2, scaling='lin', cmap=cm.copper, plottype='imshow', kminlabel=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, cax=None ): """ Create and paint midplane slice into axis pax :arg obj fc: :class:`pyFC.FractalCube` object :arg int pax: Axis to paint midplane slice into :arg int ax: Direction of plane normal. {0|1|2}, default is 0 ("y-z plane") :arg str scaling: Linear "lin" or logarithmic "log" data map :arg obj cmap: Colormap. Any colormap object (default is cm.copper) :arg int plottype: Type of plot {'imshow'|'pcolormesh'} :arg int kminlabel: Boolean, draw label with kmin value? :arg int vmin, vmax: Min max dynamic range of plotted data :arg int cax: Colorbar axis to paint colorbar into This plot is independent of cube type. """ # Get data fcs = FCSlicer() slice = fcs.slice(fc, ax) if scaling == 'log': slice = np.log10(slice) # Plot slice if fc.ndim > 1: if plottype == 'imshow': pl.imshow(slice, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) elif plottype == 'pcolormesh': pl.pcolormesh(slice, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) if ax == 2: pl.xlim((0,; pl.ylim((0, fc.nj)); if ax == 1: pl.xlim((0,; pl.ylim((0, fc.nk)); if ax == 0: pl.xlim((0, fc.nj)); pl.ylim((0, fc.nk)); else: ValueError('plot_midplane_slice: Unknown plottype, ' + plottype) else: pl.semilogy(slice) # plot kminlabel if desired if kminlabel: pl.text(0.5, 0.95, r'$k_\mathrm{min}=' + str(int(fc.kmin)) + '$', horizontalalignment='center', color='k', backgroundcolor=(1., 1., 1., 0.8), fontsize=15, transform=pax.transAxes) # plot colorbar if desired if cax != None: cb = pl.colorbar(cax=cax) if scaling == 'log': cb.set_label(r'$\log_{10}\,\rho$', fontsize=15) elif scaling == 'lin': cb.set_label(r'$\rho$', fontsize=15) # Touch up pl.xlabel(r'$x\,(\mathrm{pixel})$', size=15) pl.ylabel(r'$y\,(\mathrm{pixel})$', size=15)
[docs]def plot_midplane_slice(fc, ax=2, scaling='lin', cmap=cm.copper, plottype='imshow', labels=False, colorbar=False, kminlabel=False, vmin=None, vmax=None ): """ Create and plot midplane slice :arg obj fc: :class:`pyFC.FractalCube` object :arg int ax: Direction of plane normal. {0|1|2}, default is 0 ("y-z plane") :arg str scaling: Linear "lin" or logarithmic "log" data map :arg obj cmap: Colormap. Any colormap object (default is cm.copper) :arg int plottype: Type of plot {'imshow'|'pcolormesh'} :arg bool labels: Boolean, draw tick labels? :arg bool colorbar: Boolean, draw colorbar? :arg int kminlabel: Boolean, draw label with kmin value? :arg int vmin, vmax: Min max dynamic range of plotted data """ # Build figure fig, pax, cax = _build_single_figure(labels=labels, colorbar=colorbar) # Create plot paint_midplane_slice(fc, pax, ax=ax, scaling=scaling, cmap=cmap, plottype=plottype, kminlabel=kminlabel, cax=cax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
[docs]def paint_raytrace(fc, pax=pl.gca(), ax=0, scaling='lin', cmap=cm.copper, plottype='imshow', kminlabel=False, absorb_coeff=1., emiss_coeff=1., vmin=None, vmax=None, cax=None ): """ Plot a raytraced image into axis. Emissivity has same units as intensity (the ray integration quantity). Assume width of cube box is 1, so that :math:`\Delta x = 1/n{xyz}` :arg obj fc: :class:`pyFC.FractalCube` object :arg int pax: Axis to paint raytrace image into :arg int ax: Direction of plane normal. {0|1|2}, default is 0 ("y-z plane") :arg str scaling: Linear "lin" or logarithmic "log" data map :arg obj cmap: Colormap. Any colormap object (default is cm.copper) :arg int plottype: Type of plot {'imshow'|'pcolormesh'} :arg int kminlabel: Boolean, draw label with kmin value? :arg flt absorb_coeff: Absorption coefficient :arg flt emiss_coeff: Emission coefficient :arg int vmin, vmax: Min and max dynamic range of plotted data. If scaling == 'lin', vmin = 0.005, vmax = 10 are good for vizualization :arg int cax: Colorbar axis to paint colorbar into :return: 1 for reaching end of function :rtype: int """ # Do raytrace and get data fcr = FCRayTracer() data = fcr.pp_raytrace(fc, absorb_coeff, emiss_coeff, ax) if scaling == 'log': data = np.log10(data) # Plot the images if plottype == 'imshow': pl.imshow(data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) elif plottype == 'pcolormesh': if ax == 2: pl.xlim((0,; pl.ylim((0, fc.nj)); if ax == 1: pl.xlim((0,; pl.ylim((0, fc.nk)); if ax == 0: pl.xlim((0, fc.nj)); pl.ylim((0, fc.nk)); pl.pcolormesh(data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) else: ValueError('plot_midplane_slice: Unknown plottype, ' + plottype) # Draw kmin label if desired if kminlabel: pl.text(0.5, 0.95, r'$k_\mathrm{min}=' + str(int(fc.kmin)) + '$', horizontalalignment='center', color='k', backgroundcolor=(1., 1., 1., 0.8), fontsize=15, transform=pax.transAxes) # Draw colorbar label if desired if cax != None: cb = pl.colorbar(cax=cax) if scaling == 'log': cb.set_label(r'$\log_{10}\,I$', fontsize=15) elif scaling == 'lin': cb.set_label(r'$I$', fontsize=15) # Touch up pl.xlabel(r'$x\,(\mathrm{pixel})$', size=15) pl.ylabel(r'$y\,(\mathrm{pixel})$', size=15) # Return 1 for reaching here return 1
[docs]def plot_raytrace(fc, ax=0, scaling='log', cmap=cm.copper, plottype='imshow', colorbar=True, labels=True, kminlabel=False, absorb_coeff=1.e-7, emiss_coeff=1., vmin=None, vmax=None ): """ Plot a raytraced image into axis. Emissivity has same units as intensity (the ray integration quantity). Assume width of cube box is 1, so that :math:`\Delta x = 1/n{xyz}` :arg obj fc: :class:`pyFC.FractalCube` object :arg int ax: Direction of plane normal. {0|1|2}, default is 0 ("y-z plane") :arg str scaling: Linear "lin" or logarithmic "log" data map :arg obj cmap: Colormap. Any colormap object (default is cm.copper) :arg int plottype: Type of plot {'imshow'|'pcolormesh'} :arg bool colorbar: Boolean, draw colorbar? :arg bool labels: Boolean, draw tick labels? :arg int kminlabel: Boolean, draw label with kmin value? :arg flt absorb_coeff: Absorption coefficient :arg flt emiss_coeff: Emission coefficient :arg int vmin, vmax: Min and max dynamic range of plotted data. If scaling == 'lin', vmin = 0.005, vmax = 10 are good for vizualization :return: 1 for reaching end of function :rtype: int """ # Build figure fig, pax, cax = _build_single_figure(labels=labels, colorbar=colorbar) # Create the plot paint_raytrace(fc, pax=pax, ax=ax, scaling=scaling, cmap=cmap, plottype=plottype, kminlabel=kminlabel, absorb_coeff=absorb_coeff, emiss_coeff=emiss_coeff, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cax=cax) # return 1 for reaching here return 1
def plot_three_raytrace(fc, scaling='log', cmap=cm.copper, plottype='imshow', colorbar=True, labels=True, kminlabel=False, absorb_coeff=1.e-7, emiss_coeff=1., vmin=None, vmax=None): pass
[docs]def plot_field_stats(fc, scaling='lin', cmap=cm.copper, plottype='imshow', ax=2, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ Create a three-panel plot with: 1. Cube density slice 2. Cube single-point pdf 3. Cube power spectrum :param ax: :arg obj fc: :class:`pyFC.FractalCube` object :arg str scaling: Linear "lin" or logarithmic "log" data map :arg obj cmap: Colormap. Any colormap object (default is cm.copper) :arg int plottype: Type of plot {'imshow'|'pcolormesh'} :arg int vmin, vmax: Min and max dynamic range of plotted data. If scaling == 'lin', vmin = 0.005, vmax = 10 are good for vizualization :return: 1 for reaching end of function :rtype: int """ # Width and heights (a: arbitrary units) # {lbrtp}: left bottom right top # {mpcg}: margin, panel, colorbar, gap # {wh}: width, height lma, bma, tma, rma, = 2.3, 2.0, 0.4, 0.6 pwa, pha, gwa, gw2a = 17, 17, 7., 4. cwa, cgwa = 0.5, 0.1 # figure height (inches) fh = 5. # Derived quantities fwa = lma + pwa + cgwa + cwa + gwa + pwa + gw2a + pwa + rma fha = bma + pha + tma lm, bm, tm, rm = lma / fwa, bma / fha, tma / fha, rma / fwa pw, ph, gw, gw2 = pwa / fwa, pha / fha, gwa / fwa, gw2a / fwa cw, cgw = cwa / fwa, cgwa / fwa fw = fh * fwa / fha # Create figure and axes pl.figure(figsize=(fw, fh)) pax0 = pl.axes([lm, bm, pw, ph]) cax0 = pl.axes([lm + pw + cgw, bm, cw, ph]) pax1 = pl.axes([lm + pw + cgw + cw + gw, bm, pw, ph]) pax2 = pl.axes([lm + pw + cgw + cw + gw + pw + gw2, bm, pw, ph]) # Plot midplane slice paint_midplane_slice(fc, pax0, ax, scaling=scaling, kminlabel=True, cmap=cmap, plottype=plottype, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cax=cax0) # Plot single point field distribution paint_pdf(fc, pax1) # Plot power spectrum of Gaussian if cube is Lognormal if fc.cubetype == 'lognormal': paint_power_spec(fc.gnfc(), pax2, 'Gaussian', 'r-') # Plot power spectrum of Lognormal if fc.cubetype == 'lognormal': speclabel = 'Lognormal' elif fc.cubetype == 'gaussian': speclabel = None paint_power_spec(fc, pax2, speclabel, 'b-', k0line=True, target_line=True) # Return 1 for reaching here return 1
[docs]def paint_power_spec(fc, pax=pl.gca(), label=None, line='-', k0line=False, target_line=False): """ Plot power spectrum of fractal cube. Essentially plots output of :func:`pyFC.FractalCube.iso_power_spec`. (This function may require more flexibility in its argument list.) :arg obj fc: :class:`pyFC.FractalCube` object :arg int pax: Axis to paint midplane slice into :arg str scaling: Linear "lin" or logarithmic "log" data map :arg bool k0line: Plot k0line? :arg bool target_line: Plot target line? :return: 1 for reaching end of function :rtype: int """ # Create power spectrum means, binc = fc.iso_power_spec() # Plotting bins pmeans = fc.norm_spec(means) pmeans, k0val = pmeans[1:], pmeans[0] pbinc, k0bin = binc[1:], binc[0] # Plot data spectrum lpbinc, lpmeans = mt.zero_log10(pbinc), mt.zero_log10(pmeans) pl.plot(lpbinc, lpmeans, line, label=label) # Target spetrum. Normalize roughly to data spectrum if target_line: lkmin = np.log10(fc.kmin) lkmax = np.log10(fc.kmax) # TODO Determine which one is correct sf = np.s_[np.logical_and( np.greater_equal(lpbinc, lkmin), np.less_equal(lpbinc, lkmax) )] #sf = np.s_[lpbinc >= lkmin] weights = np.r_[np.diff(pbinc), np.diff(pbinc[-2:])] ts = fc.norm_spec(fc.func_target_spec(pbinc)) fit0 = np.average(mt.zero_log10(pmeans[sf]) - mt.zero_log10(ts[sf]), weights=weights[sf]) lts = mt.zero_log10(10 ** fit0 * ts) pl.plot(lpbinc, lts, 'k-', label='target' if fc.cubetype == 'lognormal' else '') # Plot mean (k=0 component) as a horizontal line if k0line: pl.hlines(np.log10(k0val), np.log10(k0bin), np.log10(pbinc[-1]), line[0], 'dotted', label=r'$k=0$' if fc.cubetype == 'lognormal' else '') # Plot adjustments pl.xlabel(r'$\log_{10}\, k$', size=15) pl.ylabel(r'$\log_{10}\, D(k)$', size=15) pl.ylim((-5.0, 5.0)) if label != None: pl.legend(loc=3) # Return 1 for reaching here return 1
[docs]def plot_power_spec(fc, label=None, line='-', k0line=False, target_line=True): """ Plot power spectrum of fractal cube. Essentially plots output of :func:`pyFC.FractalCube.iso_power_spec`. (This function may require more flexibility in its argument list.) :arg obj fc: :class:`pyFC.FractalCube` object :arg bool label: Label on plot? :arg str line: Linestyle :arg bool k0line: Plot k0line? :arg bool target_line: Plot target line? :return: 1 for reaching end of function :rtype: int """ # Build figure fig, pax, cax = _build_single_figure(labels=True) # Paint the power spectrum paint_power_spec(fc, pax=pax, label=label, line=line, k0line=False, target_line=True) # Return 1 for reaching here return 1
[docs]def paint_pdf(fc, pax=pl.gca(), min=None, max=None, step=None): """ Plot a cube's pdf. In the case of a gaussian cube (:attr:`pyFC.GaussianFractalCube.cubetype` == 'gaussian') it plots :math:`dN/dx` vs :math:`x`. In the case of a lognormal cube (:attr:`pyFC.LogNormalFractalCube.cubetype` == 'lognormal') it plots :math:dN/d\log_{10}(x) vs :math:`\log_{10}x` :arg obj fc: :class:`pyFC.FractalCube` object :arg int pax: Axis to paint midplane slice into :arg flt min max: Lower and upper density bin edges :arg flt step: Size of bins :return: 1 for reaching end of function :rtype: int """ # Some defaults wfac = 3. nsteps = 30. if fc.cubetype == 'lognormal': # Base e to base 10 conversions e2ten, ten2e = np.log10(np.e), np.log(10.) ln = mt.LogNormalPDF(fc.mean, fc.sigma) hw = wfac * ln.sigma_g * e2ten mu = ln.mu_g * e2ten elif fc.cubetype == 'gaussian': hw = wfac * fc.sigma mu = fc.mean if min == None: min = mu - hw if max == None: max = mu + hw if step == None: step = 2. * hw / nsteps # Rho space arrays x_hist = np.arange(min, max, step) x_pdf = x_hist[0:-1] + 0.5 * step # Gaussian data plot and theoretical pdfs if fc.cubetype == 'lognormal': res, bins, ignored = pl.hist(np.ravel(np.log(fc.cube) * e2ten), x_hist, histtype='step', density=True, align='mid', label='data') gpdf = ln.gpdf(x_pdf * ten2e) pl.plot(x_pdf, gpdf * ten2e, label='target') pl.ylabel(r'$d N/d \log_{10}\,\rho$', size=15) pl.xlabel(r'$\log_{10}\,\rho$', size=15) elif fc.cubetype == 'gaussian': res, bins, ignored = pl.hist(np.ravel(fc.cube), x_hist, histtype='step', density=True, align='mid', label='data') gpdf = mt.gaussian(x_pdf, fc.mean, fc.sigma) pl.plot(x_pdf, gpdf, label='target') pl.ylabel(r'$d N/d \rho$', size=15) pl.xlabel(r'$\rho$', size=15) # Plot adjustments pl.ylim((0, wfac / (2 * hw))) pl.legend() # Return 1 for reaching here return 1
[docs]def plot_pdf(fc, min=None, max=None, step=None): """ Plot a cube's pdf. In the case of a gaussian cube (:attr:`pyFC.GaussianFractalCube.cubetype` == 'gaussian') it plots :math:`dN/dx` vs :math:`x`. In the case of a lognormal cube (:attr:`pyFC.LogNormalFractalCube.cubetype` == 'lognormal') it plots :math:dN/d\log_{10}(x) vs :math:`\log_{10}x` :arg obj fc: :class:`pyFC.FractalCube` object :arg flt min max: Lower and upper density bin edges :arg flt step: Size of bins :return: 1 for reaching end of function :rtype: int """ # Build figure fig, pax, cax = _build_single_figure(labels=True) # Paint plot paint_pdf(fc, pax, min=min, max=max, step=step) # Return 1 for reaching here return 1