On this page there is some code i'm making available for public use. All software is FOSS, under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), and doesn't come with any warranty. Software derived from code on this page must use the same license. If you use any of this code in published work, it is appreciated if an acknowledgement is added.
pyFC is a module to construct "fractal cubes" that are useful for initial conditions in hydrodynamical simulations representing a dense, inhomogeneous component embedded in a more tenuous smooth background. Examples include clouds in earth's athmosphere or the multiphase interstellar medium in galaxies.
Classes and functions are provided to create and visualize single-point lognormal, two-point fractal fields, statistics often associated with turbulent, dense condensations.
The method of creating lognormal "fractal cubes" was conceived by Lewis & Austin (2002, pdf) for the modeling of clouds in the earth's atmosphere. The scheme of this code is based on that outlined in their paper.
The source code, documentation, and more information can be found here.